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Monday, April 11, 2022

Girl Scout Postcards from the past...

        These vintage postcards where once sent through the mail to parents and friends from Girl Scout campers. The black and white smaller versions shown here for your dolls are original designs sold for 10 cents (pack of 6) through mail-order. The color versions were a bit more expensive and illustrate the early Brownie and Girl Scout promises and laws. 

In 1922 little girls could order these Girl Scout Post Cards, a set of 6 for only 10 cents!

A vintage postcard of early Brownie Promise.

The Brownie Scout Promise

I promise to do my best
To love God and my country,
To help other people every day,
especially those at home.
Vintage postcard of early Girl Scout Laws.

I A Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted.
II A Girl Scout is loyal.
III A Girl Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
IV A Girl Scout is a friend to all and a sister to every other Girl Scout.
V A Girl Scout is courteous.
VI A Girl Scout is a friend to animals.
VII A Girl Scout obeys orders.
VIII A Girl Scout is cheerful.
IX A Girl Scout is thrifty.
X A Girl Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.
Vintage postcard of an early Girl Scout Pledge: The Girl Scout Promise:
On my honor, I will try: To do my duty to God and my country,
To help other people at all times, To obey the Girl Scout Laws.

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