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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Paint a strawberry jewelry box for a doll...

I decided to "upcycle" this small sized jewelry box for our 18" American Girl dolls.
It looks lovely inside the dollhouse! I used pistachio shells, Sculpey clay and puff paints
to give it a three dimensional, strawberry design.

Supply List:

  • small wooden jewelry box 3'' wide
  • pistachio shells (3)
  • green Sculpey oven bake clay
  • yellow and white puff paints
  • leaf molds
  • red and black acrylic paints
  • decorative green paper
  • Mod Podge
  • wood glue
  • hot glue gun, hot glue

Small discarded, wooden trinket boxes like the one used above are easy to find at a flee market,
or in a second-hand shop for a dollar or two.

Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Sand the outside of the jewelry box in order to make the paint that you will use adhere to the surface properly. 
  2. Clean the sanded surfaces with a dry, soft rag.
  3. Glue the three pistachio shells, using wood glue, to the lid in a pattern similar to the one shown on the sample jewelry box shown below. Let these dry.
  4. Now paint the outside of the box with black acrylic paints.
  5. Paint the pistachio shells red.
  6. Mold the green Sculpey clay and bake it as directed before gluing these tiny leaves and buds to the upper parts of the strawberries using hot glue.
  7. Take a permanent ink marker and draw on the tiny black seeds of the strawberries on their red flesh.
  8. Use both yellow and white puffy paints to squeeze out the flower petals and centers around your strawberry design. 
  9. Paint stripes and additional flowers on the outer edges and beneath the lock of your jewelry box to give it more unique design if you wish.
  10. I lined this doll sized jewelry box with a bit of green patterned paper on the inside using Mod Podge.
  11. When you have finished decorating your dolly jewel box, brush down all the surfaces using Mod Podge as well. 
  12. Leave the lid open while waiting for the acrylic to dry so that your surfaces don't stick together.
Left, the box lid with newly glued nut shells in the shape of strawberry cluster.
Center, you can see the mold I used here to make the petals and leaves of the strawberries. 
This mold is optional, of course. You could shape tiny petals yourself with a toothpick instead.
Right, the painting strawberries up-close.

The finished doll jewelry box dries with it's lid open in order to prevent sticking.

More Doll Sized Jewelry Boxes:

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