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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

My Apple Tree


My Apple Tree
by Louise Martin

I had a lovely apple
With great big golden seeds,-
I dropped them carelessly about
Among the sun-dried weeds.

'Twas such a luscious apple,
I ate right to the core,
Then just before I threw it down
I found one big seed more.

I saved that seed and planted it
In mother's garden plot;
I watched it grow, and watered it
Wen summer days were hot.

And now it is Next Summer,
And, true as true can be,
That tiny seed has grown until
It is a baby tree.

And Mother says that some day
I'll find that tree has grown
As big as those a farmer has,
With apples of its own.

I'm glad I had that apple,-
It's wonderful to know
That planting even one small seed
Will make a big tree grow!

Apple Poems, Crafts & Stuff...

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