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Sunday, June 5, 2022

Craft a Daisy Flower Bed for Dolls

Our doll's flower bed is surrounded by a small, white picket fence and felt grass.
The daisies are cut from embroidered lace and mounted onto toothpicks.
       With this flower bed craft, your dolls can 'plant' any faux flower they desire. Our dolls chose to plant daisies. They can change the garden over to be full of any veggie or flower that can be glued to the tip of a toothpick! When they need a vase full of blooms, they can pull them from the holes and display them anywhere inside the doll house.

 Supply List:

  • green felt
  • wooden craft sticks
  • twine
  • skewers
  • box the shape and size of your flower bed
  • brown, green and white acrylic paints
  • hot glue gun and hot glue
  • toothpicks
  • tiny machine embroidered daisies 
  • hammer in small nail + a thumb tack
  • an open ended box or box lid

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Turn the box lid with it's flat side facing up.
  2. Paint the lid with brown acrylic paints and let dry.
  3. Take round-ended wooden craft sticks and cut one end flat. Make sure that all of these craft sticks are of the same length.
  4. Glue these to the sides of the box lid, spacing them apart evenly.
  5. Now glue wooden skewers around the outside edge of the faux picket fence approximately 1/2 inch from the rounded tops. Hold these in place with masking tape while the glue cures.
  6. Remove tap and twist a narrow twine, yarn or wire in and out of the faux fence to strengthen it. 
  7. Now paint the entire fence white. Let dry.
  8. Cut long narrow strips of green felt and fringe it to look like grass.
  9. Hot glue this felt grass around the picket fence and inside of your pretend garden.
  10. Take a tack and poke holes through the cardboard wherever you would like to poke a flower inside.
  11. Then use a slightly larger nail to widen the openings of the holes from beneath the box lid where it is easier to see them.
  12. Glue small flowers to tips of the toothpicks. Snip of any pointed ends.
  13. Paint the toothpicks with green acrylics to make these look like stems.
  14. Poke the floral picks into the small holes in your pretend garden bed's soil.

The white picket fence of our doll's flower garden.

Details of the fringed felt made to look like grass or plant life.

Toothpick daisies and the inside of the box lid showing where we made holes.

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