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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dolls from Automatic Toy Works, 1882

        We present this revised and enlarged edition of our Illustrated Catalogue to the Trade, confidently believing that it will be of service in the selection of Mechanical toys and Novelties which have gained so great favor and are now so popular in this country and abroad. In style, finish and dress of our figures, we have made very many improvements and have added several new kinds to our list. In the partiality which has been universally shown in favor of our Toys, and the constantly increasing demand for them, we find an incentive to more than sustain their reputation in the future.
       The Toys represented in this Catalogue are all mechanical and are set in motion, on being wound up, by patent movements.
       Each Toy is packed in a substantial wooden box, and will be sent, postpaid, to any address on receipt of price where our goods are not found with dealers.
       Discount rates sent to the trade on application.

Automatic Toy Works,
20 College Place
New York City, U.S.A.

Creeping baby price $5.00.

       This unique toy, when wound up, creeps and imitates the movements of a baby in the most natural manner, moving its hands and feet alternately as it passes along, and as it occasionally turns its face towards the spectator, the resemblance to life is almost startling. Delights and pleases both old and young. Durably and elegantly made. Each doll is carefully packed in a substantial wooden box. Parents and friends of little girls send for one of these delightful dolls.

This is a combination of the toys most coveted
 by little girls, Price $3.50.

       This domestic picture is perfect in miniature. No grandmother, with all her experience, ever rocked a cradle more naturally or with move tranquilizing effect. While she rock the cradle with her foot, with one hand she fans the infant sleeper, and with the other hand wiped her face with the handkerchief, and occasionally turns her head and views the situation with approval.

The delight of all girls. A charming toy, and
 beautifully finished, Price $3.50.

       A little girl will appreciate this mother figure seated at a cabinet sewing-machine. On winding up the mechanism her feet begin to work the treadle, and the sewing machine begins to sew rapidly; she leans forward, puts the work in position, watches it, occasionally rising up and bringing the work up to examine it. These movements are repeated for a long time. The little figure is elegantly dressed in the latest fashion. It combines the attractiveness of a beautiful French doll with the interest of life-like motion.

The Mechanical Bear, Price $4.25.

       This wonderful toy imitates the movements of a bear, by means of clock-work, in the most life-like manner. The bear rises up on its hind legs, turns its head from side to side, growls, moves its paws, and snaps its jaws together. At internals it gets down on its fore-paws and goes through similar motions. It runs a long time, and while going it is difficult to believe it is not alive. It is elegantly made, and covered with fine fur. The mechanism is so strong and perfect, that only the greatest abuse can put it out of order. It amuses old and well as young, and its exceedingly attractive for a show window. It is conceded to be one of the most ingenious toys ever invented, on account of its variety of motion and resemblance to nature. Made in black and white fur.

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