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Friday, June 24, 2022

Sculpting and painting a rainbow of colored eggs...

Play chicken eggs from many breeds.
       All of our hand painted doll sized eggs are made from Sculpey oven bake clay and colored with acrylic paints.

Chicken Egg Colors According to 40 Chicken Breeds:

  1. Ameraucana Chickens: distinct blue eggs
  2. American Bresse Chickens: pale brown eggs
  3. Ancona White Chickens: white eggs
  4. Andalusian Chickens: white eggs
  5. Auaucana Chickens: pale sea-blue tinted eggs
  6. Australorp Chickens: pink buff eggs
  7. Barred Rock Chickens: brown lightly speckled eggs
  8. Barnevelder Chickens: brown eggs
  9. Black Copper Maran Chickens: deep colors - speckled brown eggs
  10. Brahma Chickens: medium brown eggs
  11. Buff Orpington Chickens: buff eggs with touch of pink
  12. Campine Chickens: white eggs
  13. Chocolate Maran Chickens: deep chocolate brown
  14. Copper Maran Chickens: deep copper brown eggs
  15. Cream Legbar: dusty blue tinted eggs
  16. Cuckoo Maran: speckled eggs
  17. Delaware Chickens: brown eggs
  18. Dominique Chickens: brown eggs
  19. Easter Egger Chickens: buff shades, one shade per chicken always the same
  20. Faverolle Chickens: pale brown with yellow tint eggs
  21. French Black Copper Maran: darkest brown
  22. Gold Brindled Chickens: creamy white eggs
  23. Hamburg Chickens: white eggs
  24. Heritage Welsummer: speckled browns
  25. Isbar Chickens: speckled sea-green eggs
  26. Leghorn Chickens: white eggs
  27. Light Sussex Chickens: pink buff tinted eggs
  28. Maran Chickens: speckled brown eggs
  29. Mottled Java Chickens: speckled buff peach eggs
  30. Naked Neck Chickens: brown eggs
  31. New Hampshire: brown eggs
  32. Olive Egger Chickens: olive green eggs
  33. Orpington Chickens: medium brown eggs
  34. Plymouth Rock Chickens: pale pink eggs
  35. Polish Chickens: white eggs
  36. Rhode Island Chickens: medium brown eggs
  37. Serama Chickens: pale yellow eggs
  38. Silkie Chickens: pale brown eggs
  39. Sussex Chickens: pale brown eggs
  40. Wyandotte Chickens: medium brown eggs

    Goose Eggs: All geese lay white eggs

    Quail Eggs: not uniform, speckled, mottled, blues, blue-greens, whites, creams with brown, grey and black speckles

    Turkey Eggs: yellow with brown spots, pale brown with brown spots, creamy white with brown spots, and pale browns with no spots and pale browns with yellow tints

    Emu Eggs: dark black, reddish brown and blue - all have speckling on a very rare occasion these may be moss green

    Learning About Egg Colors:

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