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Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Farm by Jane Taylor

A coloring page of farms being herded by children on a farm.

The Farm

BRIGHT glows the east with blushing red,
While yet upon their homely bed
The sleeping laborers rest;
And the pale moon and silver star
Grow paler still, and wandering far,
Sink slowly to the west.

And see behind the sloping hill,
The morning clouds grow brighter still,
And all the shades retire;
Slowly the sun, with golden ray,
Breaks forth above the horizon grey,
And gilds the distant spire.

And now, at Nature's cheerful voice,
The hills, and vales, and woods rejoice,
The lark ascends the skies;
And soon the cock's shrill notes alarm
The sleeping people at the farm,
And bid them all arise.

Then at the dairy's cool retreat,
The busy maids and mistress meet,
The early hour to seize:
Some tend with skillful hand the churns,
Where the thick cream to butter turns,
And some the curdling cheese.

And now comes Thomas from the house,
With well-known cry to call the cows,
Still resting on the plain;
They, quickly rising, one and all,
Obedient to the daily call,
Wind slowly through the lane.  

And see the rosy milkmaid now,
Seated beside the horned cow,
With milking stool and pail;
The patient cow, with dappled hide,
Stands still, unless to lash her side
With her convenient tail.

And then the poultry (Mary's charge)
Must all be fed and let at large,
To roam about again:
Wide open springs the great barn-door,
And out the hungry creatures pour,
To pick the scattered grain.

The sun-burnt laborer hastens now,
To plod behind the heavy plough,
And guide with skillful arm:
Thus all is industry around,
No idle hand is ever found
Within the busy farm.

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