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Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Pigs by Jane Taylor

A coloring page of a mamma pig and her piglets.
The Pigs
DO look at those pigs as they lie in the straw,'
Willy said to his father one day;
' They keep eating longer than ever I saw,
Oh, what greedy gluttons are they!'

'I see they are feasting,' his father replied,
'They eat a great deal, I allow;
But let us remember, before we deride,
'Tis the nature, my dear, of a sow.

'But were a great boy, such as you, my dear Will,
Like them to be eating all day,
Or be taking nice things till he made himself ill,
What a glutton, indeed, we might say!

'If plum-cake and sugar he constantly picks,
And sweetmeats, and comfits, and figs,
We should tell him to leave off his own greedy tricks,
Before he finds fault with the pigs.'

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