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Monday, July 25, 2022

The Rainbow Land

The Rainbow Land
by Bertha Carman Herbst

Let's steal away to the rainbow land.
We'll jump on a cloud, and hand in hand
Go sailing away on our airy ship,
Exploring the rainbow from tip to tip.

We'll start with the beautiful strip of blue,
If the rainbow guards will let us through,
For I know there are things on the other side
That are far too fine to be left to hide.

There'll be beautiful lakes, with shores of sand,
Where the rainbow sailors come and stand,
And lovely hills, with their slopes of grass,
Where the rainbow sheep will slowly pass.

The rainbow shepherds, whistling high,
Will doff their hats as they pass us by.
The rainbow guides their help will lend,
Ans we'll visit the rainbow, end to end.

We'll stroll down many a beautiful path,
And hear the sound of the wood-nymph's
As they hide from each other among the tress,
For they're fond of frolic and love to tease.

There'll be wonderful fruits just ripe to eat,
And wonderful blossoms around our feet,
And we'll peep down through at the world
And crown our heads with a rainbow wreath.

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