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Monday, July 4, 2022

Top 10 Professions for Doll Lovers

       Some of our readers have expressed an interest in those professions their children, who love anything to do with dolls, might consider entering. There are many more of these jobs than what I have listed below but these top ten are the most directly related to the artistic interests of childhood doll play. Many of these professions can pay, with dedication, median incomes with benefits. There are also specific universities that train for each. The best programs among higher educational institutions would have larger faculties with greater opportunity to offer classes specific to art and advanced technology. It is rare for a graduate with simply a bachelor's degree in fine arts to be hired for some of the following jobs without more experience. Students can also acquire valuable experience through additional internships and certifications in specialized software programing. Among this listing, a master's degree program is not recommended for the majority unless the student is interested in teaching their own profession on the college level. The exceptions to this rule would be: the film historian and the screenwriter; these two professions would definitely benefit from continued, academic study. A "picker" will become better at his or her profession through reading extensively about the products they are selling or dealing, this is about study but not necessarily academic in nature.

  1. Industrial Designer/Sculptor
  2. Professional Tailor or Seamstress
  3. Costume Designer or Fashion Designer
  4. Theatrical Production
  5. Small Business Owner
  6. Film Historian
  7. Webmaster: Online Auctions and Pickers
  8. Professional Photographer or Video Photographers
  9. Fashion Merchandising
  10. Screenwriter/Scenarist
Video that demonstrates transitions into . . . 

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