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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

April Fool

April Fool
by Anna Medary

I don't know who made April fool,
But I have lots of fun,
For then our Mary lets me make
A very funny bun,

Inside I stuff some cotton white,
Outside I put some dough,
And when Its's passed at luncheon time
The people, don't you know,

Think they are getting something nice,
But when they take a bite,
At first, they look real mad at me,
Then laugh with all their might.

Noe once when I was 'spectin' least,
And sat down to my tea,
Somebody, I just won't say who,
Played April fool on me.

I went to take my napkin up,
And tuck it 'neath my chin,
But it was fastened to the cloth,
With one big safety pin!

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