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Monday, August 1, 2022

Did You Know?

Did You Know?
by Louise Marshall Haynes

We have a nurse who knows the way
that fairies can be found;
And she says dryads live in trees
in all the woods around.
She gave us fern-seed, for you know,
you drop some in each shoe
And you are then in-vis-ible
and fairies can't see you.
We fixed our shoes, and then we crept
out through the garden gate,
And down the wood path just beyond--
and we could hardly wait
To see who'd find a dryad first--
We found a hollow tree--
I tapped it, and then sister tapped,
as softly as could be!
We heard a little rustling sound,
away down deep inside,
And knew that we had found the place
where dryads loved to hide.
We held each other by the hand,
and watched the open space,
And when the dryad peeped outside,
she had a squirrel's face.

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