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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

DIY an easy plum pudding for a doll's Christmas!

This 18" doll sized plum pudding is made using a 2" diameter
Styrofoam ball. The porcelain blue bowl is part of a doll's 
set that I have been collecting for many years.

       Christmas pudding is sweet dried-fruit pudding traditionally served as part of Christmas dinner in Britain and other countries to which the tradition has been exported. It has its origins in medieval England, with early recipes making use of dried fruit, suet, breadcrumbs, flour, eggs and spice, along with liquid such as milk or fortified wine. Later, recipes became more elaborate. In 1845, cookery writer Eliza Acton wrote the first recipe for what she called "Christmas pudding".
       The dish is sometimes known as plum pudding (though this can also refer to other kinds of boiled pudding involving dried fruit). The word "plum" was used then for what has been called a "raisin" since the 18th century, and the pudding does not in fact contain plums in the modern sense of the word.
       To make a toy plum pudding you will need: Mod Podge, a Styrofoam ball, brown and white acrylic paint, a cotton ball, and holly with berry trim, plus hot glue and white school glue.  
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Paint the Styrofoam ball with white acrylic and let this dry. 
  2. Paint the foam again with brown acrylic paint, thick layers of paint help in the covering of this material. Let it dry.
  3. Squeeze white glue on top of the faux plum pudding wherever you wish to fashion a faux layer of hard white sauce.
  4. Unravel the cotton ball and push it gently into the white glue. Let it dry and while it dries reshape it if necessary. 
  5. Smear on a second coat of white glue on top of the hard sauce. 
  6. Apply Mod Podge to the lower painted surface and let that dry.
  7. Hot glue a holly and berry ornament to the top of the plum pudding as these are often used to decorate the pudding in real life.

More About Plum Pudding:

Best Christmas Pudding

Take some human nature - as you find it -
The commonest variety will do.
Put a little graciousness behind it,
Add a lump of charity - or two.
Squeeze in just a drop of moderation,
Half as much frugality - or less,
Add some very fine consideration,
Strain off all of poverty's distress.
Pour some milk of human kindness in it,
Put in all the happiness you can,
Stir it up with laughter every minute.
Season with goodwill toward every man.
Set it on the fire of heart's affection,
Leave it till the jolly bubbles rise,
Sprinkle it with kisses - for affection,
Sweeten with a look from loving eyes.
Flavor it with children's merry chatter,
Frost it with the snow of wintry dells,
Place it on a holly-garnished platter,
And serve it with the song of Christmas bells.  

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