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Monday, January 23, 2023

How did you decide to name your doll?

When 800 children were asked why and how they came up with the name of their doll, 521 gave the following responses:

  1. The number one reason for renaming or just naming a doll... 199 children said that their doll was named after a friend.
  2. 87 children said that they chose the name of their doll because they thought it was pretty or fancy.
  3. 54 children said that they chose their dolls name because the doll looked like someone they knew with that name.
  4. 35 children said that the name of their doll was from a story they had heard.
  5. 33 children said that the doll was named after the person who had gifted it too them.
  6. 34 children said that their doll had no name at all and was simply called, Dolly.
  7. 21 children said that they always gave their doll a new name, not the name that came with the doll.
  8. 20 children polled said that their doll was given a name that described a quality that they thought their doll had. The doll's name was not a typical name but a attribute like: precious, patience, sleepy etc...
  9. 9 dolls were given the exact same name of it's owner.
  10. 6 dolls were given a name after the place where they received the doll.
  11. 5 dolls were named after a feigned likeness.
  12. 4 dolls had purely imaginary names.
  13. 2 dolls had very 'ugly names' because they were so disliked!
  14. In two instances the dolls were named after the materials they were made from.
  15. Ten dolls were given formal christenings along with their name.
  16. Sometimes the dolls were all given the same family name. 
  17. Dolls that had frequent name changes rarely seemed to have distinct personalities attached to them upon further discussions.
How to name a doll...

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