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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Spring Harmony Toy for Easter

Mechanical paper dolls by John McKee for Easter concert.

       Cheerful little critters sing in the garden while the Easter bunny conducts. Follow the instructions below in order to animate this paper doll toy.

Step-by-Step Directions for the toy:

  1. Mount the page on cardboard about the thickness of a post card. 
  2. Make all the pieces. 
  3. Now run a thread through both of the arms of the central larger bunny at spots marked "Y," and tie them together so that there is about half an inch of thread between. 
  4. Now tie a long piece of thread to the center of this thread.
  5. Run a pin or either a knotted thread through the holes in the labels of the larger, central bunny's coat and them through the spots marked '1' in his arms. Fasten loosely so that they will hang free but will not come off.
  6. Run a thread about six inches long through the spot marked 'X' on the neck of the Duck. 
  7. Run a pin through the black spot on the duck's wing and then through spot 'A' on his neck, and then fasten loosely. (See sketch of the back view of toy.)
  8. Now fasten a thread to spot 'Z' on the littler bunny's neck, leaving about six inches of thread, then run a pin through the white spot on his sleeves and then through spot 'B' and fasten loosely.
  9. Bend back the extending backs of the collars of both the smaller duck and bunny. 
  10. Now fasten the tie the three threads to the crossbar at the places marked 'X, Y, and Z.' Be sure to let the center thread hand down below the toy. Just pull on this thread and the singing school will begin its Easter program.

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