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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Grandma's Specs

 Grandma's Specs
by Edith V. White

One day while hunting for my cap,
I woke my grandma from a nap.
That's one thing grandma hates,-I say-
To be caught napping in the day.
The reason is-so I've been told-
It makes folks think she's getting old.
She eyed me sternly for a bit,
Then slowly she began to knit.
But soon she laid her sweater down
And for her glasses looked around.
I stood there and began to grin,
And right then trouble started in.
She sets great store by those old specs,
And when they're lost she's surely vexed.
"You needn't stand there, sir, and cough,
For I just took those glasses off;
And just now when I turned my head,
They went,-and you know where," she said.
"I didn't," I began to say;
"Now hush! they didn't fly away!
You just come here and let me see."
I went and stood till she searched me.
But all the while I thought I'd burst,
And grandma said, "You are the worst!
I know, I'll go and call your Ma,
She'll soon find where those glasses are."
Right then was when I up and spoke,
'Cause mother might no see the joke.
I know I shouldn't have been so horrid,
But grandma's specs were on her forehead!

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