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Sunday, April 16, 2023

A stylish lady doll called Aunt May

        Here is a photograph of Aunt May and her children, Mildred and Baby Lila. Mildred is wearing the same woolen dress that she was wearing under her big cape in the photograph taken out-of-doors. How straight she stands. Almost as though she had a brace behind her to hold her just so. Perhaps she did have. Old-fashioned photographers often used braces to help people stand perfectly still while the photograph was being taken.
       Aunt May is a very stylish lady doll. Her large hat is made of rich purple velvet trimmed with black jet. Her black veil is delicate and pretty. Her silk waist is made of changeable silk, rose, blue and purple. Her long black woolen skirt has a train in back. Her black sateen petticoat has a dust ruffle to catch the dust before it gets on her dress skirt. She wears high button shoes and long, heavy stockings.
       Aunt May is very proud of her corset and corset cover. The corset cover is made of fine white muslin and richly embroidered. There are tiny eyelets around the top. A narrow pink ribbon runs through the eyelets so that the garment may be drawn together.
       Aunt May carries her money and her handkerchief in a silver mesh chatelaine bag that hangs from her belt. She seems fond of jewelry, for she wears a silver link bracelet and a gold butterfly brooch.
       Evidently Lila was afraid of the camera, for she is leaning against her mother in the timid way that babies do when they are a little frightened.

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