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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Hitty, the doll Rachel Field wrote about...

Read more about Hitty and Rachel Field.
Learn how to make a Hitty Clothespin doll.

         Hitty was named after the story-book doll, Hitty, that Rachel Field wrote about, for many feel that the dolls resemble each other. The resemblance must be slight, however, for Hitty was small for her age and this doll is large. She can look onto a table when she is standing on the floor.
       Hitty came to Wisconsin in candlelight days. Undisturbed by tales of Indian outbreaks, Hitty led a peaceful life. Her clothes were made at home from materials spun and woven on the farm. Hitty had a little girl to play with and she seemed happy in a quiet way.
       When the little girl grew up and left the farm, Hitty retired to the attic where she lived alone for years. Last summer the attic was invaded by young barbarians. At least the boys seemed barbarians to Hitty. They took her outdoors and hung her on a branch for a football dummy.
       Fortunately a good fairy in the shape of a rosy- cheeked little antique dealer came along and rescued her. Hitty was taken to the woman's antique shop where she was soon adopted.
       In her new home Hitty is given every consideration. On stormy days she sits in her high-backed chair close to the fireside, but in pleasant weather she ventures forth. Sometimes she does not go far, just to a neighbor's for a cup of tea to meet some people, or to a luncheon or a lecture on the university campus.
       Of late Hitty has done a lot of traveling. She has journeyed east and west. She has ridden that swift train, the Zephyr, and has been honor guest at luncheons. Entertaining a room full of sick children doesn't frighten Hitty. For Hitty, life began again when she was nearly one hundred years old.

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