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Sunday, April 16, 2023

Jim Brady and His Automobile...

       When automobiles first came into use, it was the style for the owner to have his picture taken standing by his automobile. Usually the photograph was taken in front of the man's home or place of business. That accounts for this photograph of Jim Brady.
       Mr.' Brady, or Jim, as he is affectionately known to his friends, is fond of bright colors. His tie is red. His shirt is bright pink and his vest is green and black check. His suit is a bold black and white check. Jim is seldom seen without a bright flower in his buttonhole. Sometimes he. has more than one. The time that this photograph was taken Jim was wearing a big red poppy.
       Jim keeps his handlebar moustache waxed and curled. He has always been much admired by the other men dolls because he owns his own car.
       Although the automobile is one of the early models, it is in good running order still. Give it a few drops of oil once in a while and wind it up and it will go at a great rate of speed. The car is painted white with orange cushions.
       When Mrs. Brady and the little boy and girl go for a ride with Jim, all four wear goggles. Mrs. Brady ties her big hat on with a long chiffon veil.
       The Brady home is small, but not simple. Not any of the houses built in the 1890's are simple. Although it was put up a long while ago, the house still has a charm all of its own. Many a doll would be glad to move into it and settle down and call it home.

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