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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Klara And Her Trunk Full of Treasures

      This is blue-eyed, blonde - haired Klara. Like some other fortunate dolls, Klara has a trunk full of pretty things. She has a black velvet coat and bonnet trimmed with fur, a white fur coat and hat, a black fur coat and a raincoat and umbrella.
       She has a pink dress with ruffles over the shoulders. This dress is trimmed with white lace and blue ribbon bows. She has a pale blue enamel watch to wear when she wears the pink dress and a pink purse besides. She has a blue dress and a red dress, and the white dress that she has on.
       When it comes to shoes, Klara has four pairs. White slippers to go with her white dress, pink slippers to go with her pink dress. Tennis shoes to wear with her gingham dresses. And black slippers for rainy day wear.

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