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Friday, April 7, 2023

Learn to make butterfly clothespin dolls...

Left, front side of clothespin butterflies with swallow tails. Right, backsides.

        This is just one way to fashion clothespin butterflies. Children making this version will need adult help and supervision because of the use of a hot glue gun and nails.

Detail photos of butterfly clothespin craft.
Supply List:

  • wooden clothespins
  • small wooden wing parts
  • black, white and green acrylic paints
  • decorative paper
  • wire and black beads for antenna
  • hot glue gun and hot glue
  • white school glue
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Paint the upper half of the butterfly black and the fork shaped extensions green. 
  2. Face the pin with it's fork shaped legs towards you while working on the butterfly. After the paint has dried, paint on the swallow tails in the center of the fork extensions, leaving green paint on either side. Use black paint for these tail shapes. (see photograph)
  3. Now hot glue the wooden petals to the backside of the butterfly in the shape of butterfly wings.
  4. Decoupage the decorative paper onto these wooden wings. 
  5. Paint the features of your butterflies face using white.
  6. Push a pin or nail into the head of each butterfly to make holes for the antenna. 
  7. Twist a small black bead onto a thin wire and glue two of these antenna on top of each butterfly head. 
More Butterfly Crafts:

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