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Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Splendid Doll Knight

The Maltese knight from Malta.

       Here is a knight! He is a Maltese knight from the Isle of Malta, a stronghold in the Mediterranean. When knighthood was in flower, the knights belonging to the order of St. John of Jerusalem ruled the island. 
       This fellow is dark and handsome; every inch a knight. When he moves, his shining armor clanks delightfully. 
       So splendid a knight should dwell in a castle. If a castle were built for him, it should be a huge affair, at least twelve feet long and high and wide. Preferably, the castle should stand on an island in the center of a lonely little lake hidden away in the wilderness. 
       Such a castle should be surrounded by a moat. There should be but a single entrance, and that over a drawbridge. 
       On fair days bright flags should fly from the turrets. 
       Within the castle everything should be in keeping. A tapestry should brighten the somber wall of the great hall. Down the center of the room there should be a long oak table and benches. And there should be a fireplace blackened with the smoke of countless fires. 
       There should be a stable with sleek black chargers carved of wood and black and white cows with their spots painted most carefully. And there should be living quarters for loyal retainers. And a scullery in charge of a pretty scullery maid. And there should be cats to sleep by the fire and dogs to bark an alarm. And best of all, there should be a rose bower for a lovely lady doll named Isabella.

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