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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Blackbird

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Blackbird's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Flitting 'round the swimming pool,
Where the air is nice and cool,
Red-winged Black Bird sings in glee:
"Gloogle-ee, Gloogle-ee-e."
Additional Authors: 

       Jim was a careless boy. He hung the Gardener's basket on a nail on the wall, and forgot all about it for several days. Then, the Gardener missed it, and Jim was sent to look for it. When he came back without it, the Garderner was angry.
        "Please, sir," said Jim, "the basket's on the wall right enough, but there's a nest in it, and a blackbird sitting on it, and I hadn't the heart to hurt her."
       "That's right, Jim," said the Gardener, laughing. "We'll let the little mother have a house rent-free for a bit, I think."
       After a time, the little ones were hatched - four of them. At last, their feathers appeared, and it was time for their first flying lesson.
       "Tomorrow we will begin," said the Mother Bird, and the babies cheeped for delight. They made such a fuss, indeed, that the smallest one got pushed close to the edge of the nest, and, before the parents had noticed it, the poor mite tumbled out onto the ground!
       In a moment, the big gray Persian Cat basking in the sun on the lawn, sprang up and ran towards the poor chirping birdie. The parent Blackbirds shrieked so loudly in their grief that the Gardener and Jim both stopped digging. Jim picked up the frightened little creature, and put it gently back in the nest.
       And Mistress Pussy was chased away in disgrace, and kept out of the garden till all the little Blackbirds had flown away for good.
       "After all," said Father Blackbird that evening to his wife, " it was a lucky thing we took this house. We never had such a nice big one, and the Gardener and Jim have been very pleasant neighbors."
       And all the Birds about the farm, even to the cross old Turkey-cock, agreed that Jim was the very nicest kind of a boy. Henry Altemus Company.


HEAR the song of Yellow Beaky!
(That's the Blackbird's other name.)
See his sparkling eyes so cheeky!
(Mister Impudence is tame.)

He is singing to Miranda
(Who is getting well from mumps:)
"Come and play on the veranda,
And forget about those lumps!

"Sing a song of Blackbirds,
All have fled but two;
And Yellow Beak and Bright-eyes
Have stayed to sing to you."
 Additional Content About Blackbirds:

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