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Friday, May 12, 2023

The Magpie

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Magpie's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Magpie's a gossip - that's the truth --
A naughty, disobedient youth;
We must no judge him, but suppose
He does the very best he knows.

Additional Authors:


       The following incident will illustrate how animals and birds sometimes play tricks on each other. Old Towler was a large mastiff, and was kept chained up in a farmyard as a watchdog. A tame magpie used to hop about the kennel, and seemed on very good terms with the mastiff, except that he would tease him whenever he could get a chance. Sometimes the magpie would steal bits of the dog's dinner, screaming, "Towler! Towler! Towler!" all the time. Another trick he was fond of was to hop onto the farmer's walking-stick when it was given to the dog to carry. The dog would hold the stick in his mouth as long as he could, then suddenly allow it to fall, seeming to enjoy the scream of the magpie and the flutter of its wings as the bird fell to the ground. Though the bird was such a tease the mastiff always kept his temper, and never made an attempt to harm his bird-companion in any way. Henry Altemus Company.

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