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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Make the scarlet poppy doll and read poems...

Scarlet Poppy in the wheat,
Said she'd like some grains to eat,
But when Head Wheat gave her some
She made believe 'twas chewing-gum.
       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Scarlet Poppy's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and verse from "Flower Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

The scientific name for Scarlet Poppy is Papaver rhoeas. Learn more about this flower here.

Poems, Clip Art, etc... About Poppies:

The Poppy Maids

poppy maids
       "GREAT beds of poppies grew at the end of the cottage at Hollyhock Place. To make poppy blossoms into dolls is the easiest thing in the world. All you have to do is to turn down the soft, silky petals, tie a blade of grass round them, and there you have a poppy maid, all finished and growing on a stem - a real flower fairy. There is a small green seed pod inside, you know, and that is the poppy maid's head.
       After making a number of these without breaking their stems the children often laid a cucumber, or radish baby in the poppy bed and sang to it a soothing lullaby - one they had made up themselves. Perhaps they had a little help - I cannot say as to that.
       Poppies are the flowers that bring sleep you know.
       Before long, the poppy maids would fade away and others would take their places. The dead ones were quietly buried near their friends, and soon after, at sunset, their colors were seen in the sky, as were those of many dead and gone, hollyhock and morning-glory ladies. None of these ever lived to be very old." Margret Walker.

Poppy Lullaby

Dainty Poppy maidens,
From Dreamland far away,
Gather round baby's cradle
In your garments gay.
Gentle Poppy maidens,
Call the Sandman near.
With his dreams from Dreamland
For our baby dear.
Gentle Poppy maidens.
Whisper what you would
Baby will heed your message
Bidding her be good.

How to Craft A Poppy Clothespin Dolly

Left, paint the clothespin and stand solid green. Center, details of my clothespin poppy doll.
Right, the silk flowers used to take apart and glue onto the clothespin came from a dollar store.

See the front, side and back of the clothespin poppy doll finished.

The Memorial Scarlet Poppy

When I grow old
And dull and cold
I'll warm myself again
Where poppy petals drift and fall
Like drops of scarlet rain,
Thinking of gallant soldier-men
With poppies for a pall.
When I forget their deeds, oh then
Come Cold and Dark and all!

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