About This Web Journal

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Here's Apple, loved by young and old
And sometimes worth his weight in gold.
We hail him with delighted cries
When he comes to us, baked in pies.

       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Apple's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the vegetable illustrations and verse from "Mother Earth's Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

More About Apples:
       "From the Orchard came Apple Jack, a most agreeable gentleman doll. Lady Hollyhock was not the only person who was proud to receive him. Everybody liked him, not alone for his engaging smile and pleasant manner but because of his goodness. Then he could always be depended upon to stand by his friends, and the advice he gave was always of the best. But we will let him tell his own story." Margaret Coulson Walker

Apple Jack's Story

Apple Jack is the name I bear
And it suits me well, I ween;
My home was once in an apple tree
Among the leaves so green.

My head and body were separate then
With never a stick between.
Though both are now of the richest red,
When young, like the leaves they were green.

Each part of me swung on a separate bough
The whole long summer through-
My color was changed by the sun's warm rays
I was washed by the rain and the dew.

When the autumn came I had a great fall
Which was the making of me,
For a boy chanced that way and took me up
And made me the man you see.

Though I never can do any work for this friend
Who helped me to be what I am,
I'll stand by him through trouble and joy
And always prove loyal and calm.

If he should choose to take me in
I would cause him never an ache,
For, since he was the making of me,
I'd go down for friendship's sake.

As long as on the earth I stay
I will try to give him joy,
With a beaming smile upon my face
I will always greet this boy.

The world loos so funny through apple-seed eyes,
To laugh is all I can do;
And when I go, "Greet your friends with a smile"
Is the message I leave to you.

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