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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Candle Making Mold for Dolls

Authentic 'Colonial' tapered candle 

        Candles were primarily made from tallow and beeswax in earlier times. Gradually these were made from spermaceti, purified animal fats and paraffin wax in both Colonial America and by American Pioneers. Below is a unique craft for your historic dolls... pretend candle molds made from golf tees!

Supply List:
  • scrap cardboard
  • metalic 'pewter' looking, acrylic paint
  • four golf tees
  • two tooth picks
  • twine
  • wood glue
  • black acrylic paint
  • masking tape
  • hot glue and hot glue gun
  • Mod Podge
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Cut two, 2"x 1 1/2" pieces of cardboard.
  2. Use masking tape and more glue to craft for one cardboard piece a raised edge from a long, narrow strip of cardboard. This will be the tray used for pouring pretend wax into the molds.
  3. Glue the heavier end of each golf tee in a grid pattern of three sets of two, equally distant from each other underneath the tray. See the photo details below. Let these dry upside down with golf tees resting flat against the inverted tray. 
  4. Once the tees have dried, glue onto their tip ends the bottom flat tray, which will be the stand for the faux candle molds.
  5. Use a tack or the tip of scissors to punch six holes, three sets of two, equally distant from each other on the base piece of cardboard.
  6. Now glue in the tips of the golf tees just inside these six holes and let the constructed pretend mold dry.
  7. Shape a strip of cardboard into a handle for the candle mold and hot glue this to the underside of the tray end. 
  8. Paint the entire surface of the toy candle mold black. Then dry brush on the pewter colored or metallic silver colored paint with a dry brush in order to give the candle mold a pewter finish.
  9. With the eraser end of a pencil, dip into black acrylic paints and dot on six painted holes on the inside of the tray mold at the top.
  10. Cut toothpicks to fit over these painted holes.
  11. Wrap with twine to make pretend candle wicks that look like they are suspended inside the holes of the mold. Glue these in place. 
  12. Finish the candle mold(s) with Mod Podge.

Golf tees purchased in bulk from resale for crafts.

Left, see the candle mold up-side down. This make drying
everything in place easier. Right, now the candle molds are 
right-side up and the 'trays are on top where these should be.
The handles are hot glued in place and everything is ready 
for paint.

Left, you can see the painted trays with black dots for 'holes' and the toothpicks are glued
 in place. These represent the candles being inside the molds with their wicks tied to the
 wooden supports. Right, see the finished Colonial Candle molds for play with historical dolls.

This Family Blog shows how people from the
 1800s made hand-dipped candles.
There are candle molds for tapers just above this
little girl's head on the shelf in the background.

See More Candle Making at You Tube:

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