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Friday, June 2, 2023

Sculpting Veggies from The Beetroot or Goosefoot Family

       Beetroot/Goosefoot Veggie FamilyAmaranthaceae is a family of flowering plants commonly known as the amaranth family, in reference to its type genus Amaranthus. It includes the former goosefoot family Chenopodiaceae and contains about 165 genera and 2,040 species, making it the most species-rich lineage within its parent orderCaryophyllales.

Our  doll-sized beets where made by painting
seed/wooden beads and gluing green feathers
inside them.
The  Family Includes:

  1. Beets
  2. Swiss Chard
  3. Lamb's Quarters
  4. Quinoa
  5. Purslane
  6. Amaranth
  7. Perpetual Spinach
  8. Strawberry Spinach
More About This Vegetable Family From YouTube:

Left, the Swiss Card is made by gluing tin foil and strips of cardboard together.
Right, I used acrylic paints to finish the chard, painting the stems magenta
and the lush green parts with two applications of dry brushing.

Sugar beet clip art for doll crafting, journaling, collages etc...

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