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Sunday, July 9, 2023


This paper acorn doll was designed by Elise Reid Boylston.
Students may cut, color, or even decoupage this acorn
paper doll to look the way they would like it to!

The Acorn Doll Family

       "IN the autumn when the acorns began to fall the children found no end of amusement in making them up into all sorts of people and animals with acorn heads on toothpick necks, and bodies of twisted paper.
      One attractive pair was dressed in corn-colored crinkled tissue paper. A round disk of the paper was pasted to the top of the head of each for the brim of a hat, and the cup of the acorn pasted over that for a crown. No prettier doll hats could be imagined.
      The shoes these little people wore were of ink.
      Everything the acorn family had was made, like themselves, of acorns. Their cups and saucers, their plates, their baskets, their tops, and their pigs, even, were of acorns.
      Tom enjoyed the tops most. These were made by running slender toothpicks, or shoe pegs, about halfway through the acorns which spun on their own points. Games were often played with these tops." Walker

The folk art dolls. An acorn gentleman and his lady dressed in yellow crepe paper.

Sample paper-cut chain/border of the acorn nut and leaf design.

       Download and print out the pattern below. The dotted lines indicate where the image will be folded to continue the primrose silhouette seamlessly after it is unfolded. The number of images "linked" together in one continuous chain is determined by the length of the paper being cut. Use a very thin paper to make your cutting easier. Cut away the areas indicated by the design. (see image above and read text on the pattern below. This paper-cut may be used as a border around a Fall bulletin board in a classroom or as a paper chain for a shelf if you like.

The Acorn Template.
More About Acorns:

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