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Sunday, July 23, 2023

"Little Blossoms" Doll Summer Camp

Sample crafts for the "Little Blossoms" Doll Summer Camp: flower crown,
daisy flower bed, backyard pond, and watering can.
Lessons For "Little Blossoms" Doll Camp: Our flower camp for dolls includes lessons below by Chandler a teacher who lived and taught and wrote several science readers for the Primary Grades based upon the flora and fauna of California.
  1. Buttercup: Lesson 1 Ranunculus californicus, commonly known as the California buttercup, is a flowering plant of the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. It is a native of California, where it is common in many habitats, including chaparral and woodlands.
  2. Buttercup: Lesson 2 - You can also find California buttercups in Oregon and on islands between British Columbia and Washington.
  3. Parts of the Flower - A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants. Identification chart, parts of a flower.
  4. California PoppyEschscholzia californica, the California poppygolden poppyCalifornia sunlight or cup of gold, is a species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceaenative to the United States and Mexico.
  5. Cream-CupPlatystemon is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the poppy family containing the single species Platystemon californicus, which is known by the common name creamcups.
  6. Baby-Blue-Eyes: Lesson 1  - Nemophila menziesii, known commonly as baby blue eyes or baby's-blue-eyes, is an annual herb, native to western North America
  7. Baby-Blue-Eyes: Lesson 2  - ''Baby-Blue-Eyes has several sisters, natives of California...''
  8. Wild Hollyhock  - Iliamna is a small genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, endemic to North America. It is related to the bush mallows of California.
  9. Filaree  - ''The Filaree gets its green rosette placed early in the year. Then, it can send out its flowers early...''
  10. Miner's Lettuce  - Claytonia perfoliata, commonly known as miner's lettuceIndian lettuce, or winter purslane, is a flowering plant in the family Montiaceae. It is an edible, fleshy, herbaceousannual plant native to the western mountain and coastal regions of North America. How Native Americans cooked this plant.
  11. Wild Portulaca  - ''Some people call Wild Portulaca, Red Maids‚ because she wears such a beautiful red dress, but I think more people know her by the name I use..."
  12. White Forget-Me-Not  - This flowering plant is native North America, Alaska, Canada and the United Kingdom.
  13. Wall Flower - ''If you wish to study a flower that looks like a party and smells like a party, just take a wild Wall Flower...''
  14. Shooting Star  - Primula hendersonii is a species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae.
  15. Trillium - 'Trillium was called the Wake-Robin in the East because soon after it blossoms there, the robin begins to sing..."
  16. Iris: Lesson 1 - Some people call this flower the Flag, but as Iris, she is known to all the World.
  17. Iris: Lesson 2 - "What an odd flower Iris is! She has caught the curves and the colors of the rainbow and has brought them down to earth...''
  18. Blue-Eyed Grass  - ''"Blue-Eyed Grass'' we call these plants because their leaves seem so grass-like...''
  19. Fritillaria - The flowers are usually solitary, nodding and bell-shaped with bulbs that have fleshy scales, resembling those of lilies. They are known for their large genome size and genetically are very closely related to lilies. 
  20. Soap Root - Botany facts and how this unique plant was once used by minors, pioneers and Native Americans...
  21. Azalea - Wonderful odor but toxic to eat...
  22. Johnny-Jump-Up: Lesson 1 - ''Every boy I have ever known, whether his age was seven years or seventy, seems to have a tender spot in his heart for this golden beauty...''
  23. Johnny-Jump-Up: Lesson 2 - ''Not many insects visit Johnny-Jump-Up. Perhaps they find her honey too hard to reach...''
  24. Farewell to Spring - pollinated by butterflies
  25. Wild Cucumber  - Root system the size of a man!

Flower/Garden Themed Doll Crafts:

The Flower Children Garden Crafts and Flower Dolls - Miniature pages for young ones to download and print out a book for their dolls to read aloud, in simple verse. Plus new crafts, poems and stories about flowers are also included among these posts as I find them in the archive.

More Flower Poetry:

Flower Songs for Young Children:

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