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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Rose, When You're Bored With Blooming

Rose, When You're Bored With Blooming
by Mary Carolyn Davies

I'm glad that there are roses, Roses,
Are you glad there's me?
I wonder if a rose supposes
Anyone can be
So glad as she?

A rose is glad of sun and rain and bees.
I'm glad of dolls and hats
And of the swing between our apple-trees,
Of cooky-jars and cats;
And baseball bats.

I'm glad that there are roses, Roses,
Are you glad there's me?
When you are bored with blooming, look,
You'll see me sitting with a book
Or with my hemming on my knee;
Times when you've nothing else to do
Perhaps you'll like to look at me
The way I like to look at you!

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