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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

How to sculpt a doll piping bag for cake decorating...

Finished piping bags for American
 Girl dolls or other...

       If your American Girl doll loves to bake, she will need a few piping bags  to decorate her cakes with! Here is how I made mine...

Supply List:

  • recycled glue bottle nozzles or tips
  • two very short pencils
  • masking tape
  • newsprint
  • white typing paper
  • white school glue
  • hot glue gun and hot glue
  • Mod Podge
  • puff paints
  • acrylic paints: grey and white
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. First, you will need to cut the tips off of a glue bottle to use for the piping bag tips in this craft. 
  2. Next, wrap newsprint into the shape of a piping bag using masking tape
  3. Hot glue the ends of the recycled pencils inside of the glue tips or caps.
  4. Paint the piping tips grey and the body of the piping bag white.
  5. Squeeze a dot of icing inside the tips any color you like...
  6. Finish the completed faux piping bags with a layer of Mod Podge.
Left is the mini tacky glue bottle that I recycled for the piping bag tips. Center, see the
short, recycled pencil tips I used to "wrap" faux piping bags around. Right, see how the
piping bag bodies are shaped and masked with tape and newsprint. Then these are hot
glued inside of the craft glue tips.

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