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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Breakfast Costume

The finished doll breakfast plate costume.
       Well... your doll could dress-up as a plate of food if your like; she doesn't need to wear something obvious or even scary to a costume ball or for trick-or-treating. Maybe she has a since of humor and would prefer to look like a plate of breakfast food, for example. This costume was so much fun to craft!
       We dressed our doll in white pants, and a white tee to wear beneath the plate attachment.

Supply List:

  • two white dessert plates made of paper
  • white tissue paper
  • square Styrofoam sheet for toast (from former packing materials)
  • masking tape
  • white school glue
  • acrylic paints: yellow, white, browns and red
  • a white chenille stem
  • hole puncher (hand tool)
  • hot glue (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Before you begin to shape the breakfast food, glue the two paper plates together for added strength to this costume. Let dry.
  2. Punch two holes about 1 1/2 inch apart at the top of the plate edge for the chenille stem to thread through. (see photos)
  3. Shape the egg, sunny-side up, and bacon, cooked till crisp, using the tissue paper. Cover the foods and hold these in place using masking tape. Then glue them to the paper plate.
  4. Cut the Styrofoam square into triangle shapes to represent the toast on the doll's breakfast costume. Glue these toast points to the white paper plate; you may need hot glue for this attachment.
  5. Now you are ready to paint the bacon, eggs and toast using realistic colors. Let everything dry and then twist tie it with the chenille stem around the doll's neck.
Left, unpainted paper mache breakfast plate. Center, the finished painted version. Right, backside.

Kid Food Costume Ideas:

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