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Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Teeny-Tiny Story

 A Teeny-Tiny Story

Once there was a teeny-tiny lady.
She lived in a teeny-tiny house.
One winter night the teeny-tiny lady had been
asleep a teeny-tiny while.

The Teeny-Tiny house for a minuscule lady and mouse.

All at once she heard a teeny-tiny noise,
''Tap, tap, tap! Tap, tap, tap!''
At first she hid her teeny-tiny head.
But she heard the teeny-tiny noise again,
''Tap, tap, tap! Tap, tap, tap!''
She jumped out of her teeny-tiny bed.
She took the teeny-tiny candle in her teeny-
tiny hand. 
Then she stole down the teeny-tiny stair.
She looked under her teeny-tiny table.
There was nothing under the table.
She looked under her teeny-tiny chair. 
There was nothing under the chair.
She went back up her teeny-tiny stair with her
teeny-tiny candle.
She got into her teeny-tiny bed.
Soon the teeny-tiny lady heard the teeny-tiny
noise again.
She took her teeny-tiny candle.
She stole down her teeny-tiny stair.
She looked under her teeny-tiny table.
Out jumped a teeny-tiny ...!
"A mouse! A mouse! A mouse!
cried the teeny-tiny lady.
And up her teeny-tiny stair she ran.

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