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Sunday, June 2, 2024

The "Little Companion" from 1865

The ''Little Companion'' from 1865

       This pretty Little Companion is thus composed: - A wooden doll with china head and legs; a wooden stand and support; a few odd pieces of merino, calico, ribbon, etc., with which to dress the doll; two papers of needles; a thimble; a pair of scissors, and a ball of cotton. 
       Cut a piece of wool round, measuring three inches and a quarter in diameter, and make a small hole in the center for the piece of stick which supports the doll. The doll measures eight inches from head to foot. Tack on the body a pleated muslin chemisette with long sleeves, and over this fasten the petticoat (which should be made of stiff glazed lining) and the skirt of the dress. The latter consists of scarlet French merino, trimmed at the bottom with three rows of narrow braid, put on with steel beads at regular intervals. Two square pieces of merino, laid on in front, and button-holed round, form the pockets for the needles. The thimble-case is made of merino, edged round with bugles and beads, and suspended from the waist by a piece of blue ribbon. Another piece of blue ribbon, with a ball of cotton threaded on, is tied on the right shoulder, and the scissors are slipped through a piece of toile ciree cut in the shape of a slipper, with two openings in the toe to hold the scissors securely. The head-dress, which serves the purpose of a pin-cushion, is made of silk, wadded and edged round with lace. A bow of ribbon is placed in front, and strings tie under the chin. To secure the cushion properly, it is necessary to glue it to the head. Now, to fasten the doll to the wooden support, sew the top of the stick firmly to the doll's body, and then glue the other end in the center of the round piece of wood. This done, you have finished this pretty affair, which would be particularly suitable for a Christmas or New-Year's gift.

More pretty little companions to collect or make:

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