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Doll Furniture, Accessories and Toy Crafts

       "Go to any toy store and price the toys similar to those described within these posts, then estimate if you can how much the other toys you do not find would cost if manufactured, and you, will, discover, that one hundred dollars would not cover their value. One splendid thing about these home-made toys is that the greater part of them require little more than the recycled materials found at home. Few boys and girls are given a one hundred dollar assortment of toys at a time, yet any one  can own a collection of this value who is willing to spend the time necessary to follow the instructions given in the projects below. Probably, though, some of the toys will be wanted now, and  the others one, two or three seasons hence, because, you see, the listing will appeal to many different ages and skill levels.  Some of the toys will be of special interest to boys, and some to girls. Yet both genders in our culture today will likely enjoy making and playing with all of the projects when these are adapted to unique tastes.
       Homemade toys are generally longer lived than store toys because the boy or girl who expends a certain amount of effort producing these gives them better care. Homemade toys also have a  greater value than purchased ones because there is as much fun making them as playing with them. Doing something interesting, getting satisfying results out of the work, putting  an idea into tangible form, and having a toy to show of which it can be said, "I made this all myself," - these are the factors  in toy-making so fascinating to all boys and girls.
       It is no less a child's nature to want to do that which is most pleasing to him, than an adult's, so why not encourage this wholesome activity of toy-making to which the child takes as readily as a duck takes to water? It trains the mind to think clearly, the hands to work cleverly, replaces destructive thoughts with constructive ideas, and, in making the boy or girl dependent upon himself or herself for toys, is invaluable in developing resourcefulness. " A. N. H. (edited)

 Everyday Doll Craft Indices






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