Miniature Doll & Toy Storage:
- How to Upcycle a Child's Suitcase Into Doll Storage - See also some of our collection of miniature dollhouse dolls here.
- The 5WH of Dollhouse Building - Think about these questions before you begin to build a dollhouse...
- Apartment Dollhouse Modernized with Elevator - comes with plans and pictures and an elevator!
- My Vintage Tudor Doll House - what it looked like prior to furnishing...
- Every Child Needs a Fabric Dollhouse - this version folds up or may be carried as a purse...
- Turn a Bookcase Into A Dollhouse - our latest doll house build using a small bookcase
- Doll furnishings and house over 100 years old! - This miniature dollhouse has been in our family for more than 100 years.
- Build a 1960's dollhouse - in Mid-Century modern style ranch
- Knockdown mini dining set - finished in pink and blue for a toy dollhouse...
- Dolly Dingle's Dollhouse - print and play right away!
- The Pink Thrifty-Flip Dollhouse - for art supply storage on the first floor and a mouse-sized studio apartment on the second floor...
- Vintage cottage decor cabinets make much nicer dollhouses...- transform dvd/cd storage into doll townhouses
Our Miniature Furniture and Accessories for Dollhouses:
- 5 Ways to Make A Dresser for A Doll's House - Alternative designs and materials for hand-crafting these furnishings for a miniature doll's bedroom.
- Make a pom-pom doll house rug - Adjust the size by adding or subtracting pom-poms.
- How to Craft Miniature Dollhouse Furniture by Klenke - Photos have been cleaned, patterns are original and cleaned, text has been updated and edited by Grimm, 2018, for this blog
- Miniature Flower Vases - these tiny containers are made using beads and tiny spools
- Craft a Paper Mache Dollhouse Toilet - how to use recycled paper egg cartons to make a tiny toilet for a doll
- See also our big collection of dollhouse printables - included here are designs made especially for miniature doll homes.
- Popsicle Stick Patio Furniture for Dolls - two chairs a oval table, a couch and a picnic table all made using Popsicle sticks/craft sticks
- How to make matchbox living room furniture for your dollhouse...
- Make a Miniature Rose Trellis - for a doll's house or a fairy cottage
- DIY Old-Fashioned Miniature Spool Beds - two sizes and colors with vintage bedding
- Craft a Whale of A Weather-Vane - for dollhouses
- Lighting a fire under the old dollhouse mantle... - How you can insert a lit fire into a miniature fireplace
- Craft minature plant stands for a doll's garden - made using cardboard and stickers, plus sample potted plants made from beads
- Miniature Paper Kitchen Furnishings for Your Paper Dolls - "Three pieces of kitchen furniture for paper dolls from 1911 are being published this week. You may color them before cutting them out, according to your own taste, but naturally the stove should be dark gray or black..."
- Some nursery furniture for the paper doll house - "The two pieces of paper doll's furniture published today are a crib for the paper doll infant and a rocking chair for a somewhat older paper child..."
Miniature Paper Doll Houses:
- Little Church from Cut-Out Town - "Paper dolls on Sunday go to this little church, just so!..."
- The Little House From Cut-Out Town - "Cut-Out Town is made of paper: paper houses, paper trees, paper flowers grown in boxes In the windows--where you please..."
- The Little Store of Cut-Out Town - "Cut-out company are grocers, and they own this little store, where they sell at cut down-prices cut out groceries galore..."
- The Paper Town Hall from Cut-Out Town - "Searching newspapers is a tedious process, even for an archivist! But here is the Town Hall..."
- 100 Paper Villiages: Mega Listing - There are endless possibilities when designing your own paper village.
- Craft Little Paper Houses Using Milk Cartons - "As some of you know, I teach art, whenever I can, to a large group of sixty-five students, grades k-5th during an after school program..."
- Historic Paper Buildings at Greenfield Village - "I found these paper scale model buildingsat a flee market."
- Little Factory from Cut-Out Town - "Cut out on all heavy black lines, fold on all dotted lines and past X to XX. Roll and paste the smokestacks..."
- The District School of Cut-Out Town - "On the way to Cut-Out Corners, where the road of glueville winds, stands the little district schoolhouse, painted white, with neat green blinds..."
- How to make a box apartment for Miss Paper Doll - this miniature doll house is designed to play with from above.
Hand-Craft Miniature Dolls for Your Dollhouse:
- A Little Doll From Piotrków - See how I repaired a clay doll body with cotton batting and a pair of pliers.
- Sculpt a clay doll from a pinch pot - "What to do on a rainy day? Gloomy days are perfect days for crafting a new doll..."
- Paint tiny peg dolls like Nina Norway... These little Nina Norway peg dolls probably originated in Europe. They are so sweet and simple, any little child would love to play with them!
- Craft Miss Hickory in Her Gingham Dress - Craft a Miss Hickory mini doll using twigs and and a hazel nut.
- How to Make A Raggedy Doll - Raggedy Ann doll pattern for a mini 6"
- Sew a Miniature sock monkey doll - this version is a doll for a doll, sock monkey for an 18" American Girl Doll
- The Wooden Doll Index - has many examples of miniature dolls that would love to live in a child's dollhouse!
PBS interview with local St. Louis Miniature Museum
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