Showing posts with label Rescue and Adopt Animal Shelter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rescue and Adopt Animal Shelter. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Name all of the American Girl Doll pets?

       Most of the American Girl dolls own their own pets and have a vested interest in giving them the very best care. Some of the dolls even own more than one pet! Check out our listing below to get your own ideas for the kinds of pets your dolls could own and care for. The pet names here are all very imaginative too.
  1. Molly McIntire owns two terriers she calls "Bennett and Yank"
  2. Kaya's horse, "Steps High", and her dog "Tatlo"
  3. Summer McKinny's dog named "Crescent" and her cat named "Fettuccine"
  4. Felicity Merriman's  horse, "Penny"
  5. Samantha Parkington's pet dog is "Jip"
  6. Caroline Abbott doll has a cat named "Inkpot"
  7. A dog called "Barksee" belongs to Kanani Akina
  8. Josefina Montoya's doll has a little goat called "Sombrita"
  9. "Bo" is a pet dog belonging to Melody Ellison 
  10. Isabelle and Jade Palmer care for a kitten they call "Tutu''
  11. Kavi Sharma's pet dog is "Scamper"
  12. Cecile Rey has a parrot called "Cochon"
  13. Lila Monetti's is friend to a dog named "Mighty Mae''
  14. A French bulldog named "Bonbon" belongs to Grace Thomas
  15. A Himalayan cat called "Rascal" belongs to Marisol Luna
  16. "Cooper" is a lovely goldendoodle owned by McKenna Brooks
  17. Marie-Grace Gardner has a long-time companion dog named "Argos"
  18. Rebecca Rubin cares for a cat named "Pasta'' along with it's two kittens
  19. Kirsten Larson's cat is named "Missy"
  20. Chrissa Maxwell is the only American Girl Doll to own a llama and it's name is "Starburst''
  21. Addy Walker has a tiny yellow canary she calls "Sunny"
  22. Claudie Wells has a pet dog "Dizzy Dot''
  23. Kit Kittredge takes home a hound called "Grace" 
  24. One of two American Dolls to own a rabbit is Julie Albright and she names it "Nutmeg"
  25. Isabel Hoffman has a cat she calls "Buffy" 
  26. Nicki Hoffman calls her dog "Blossom" 
  27. The Maryellen Larkin doll pet is a dog called "Scooter" 
  28. Kailey Hopkin's pet is a classic golden retriever named "Sandy" 
  29. Corinne Tan and her sister Gwynn own a dog named "Flurry"
  30. "Sprocket'' is the name of Nicki Fleming's dog-in-training and "Jackson" is her horse.
  31. Lanie Holland is another American Girl doll who owns a pet rabbit and she calls it "Lulu"
  32. "Picasso" is Saige Copeland's pet horse and she also has a dog she calls "Sam".
  33. Dogs named "Coconut" and ''Chocolate Chip" and "Honey" and "Meatloaf''' and "Pepper" and "Sugar"and ''Toasty'' plus cats named "Licorice" and "Ginger'' and "Praline'' are mascots for the American Girl Dolls in general. These are not written about in the doll character books but may be purchased for any doll to love and give a home to.
  34. The Kira Bailey doll fosters many kittens for a local shelter before they are given in adoption to their permanent owners.
  35. Tenny Grant owns a dog called "Waylon"
  36. "Maya" is the name of a cat owned by the Gabriela McBride doll.
  37. The Lea Clark doll owns the most exotic pets: a turtle named "Ginger" and a sloth who's name I do not recall.

       I think these are all the pets for both the old Pleasant Company Dolls and the 18inch American Girl Dolls? But, I may have missed a few... If you can remember any others, add them in the comments below so that our readers here will know them all!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Craft a few toys for your pretend pets...

The small pink rug above was cut from a real bath mat. Students can recycle all
kinds of things about the house to use in ordinary dollhouse play or displays.
Our doll's pet dog and bunny are romping around this tiny rug with their
new chew toys.
       Here are a few toys that can be crafted from limited supplies for your doll's pets. The first is a bone sculpted from oven-bake clay. The shape you see above in the photo is very simple and an ordinary one for pets to play with in real life too. 
Cat pointers for doll pets.
       The second to is made using yarn and a few beads from our sewing notions box. Choose three colors of yarn to braid together and then slip one or two beads over the braid. These should have extra large holes so that the braid may fit easily through the openings. Then tie off the braid in a loop so that the beads won't slip off. 
       Now your pretend pet dogs can chew and toss these toys around as much as they like!
       To make a cat pointing toy you will need a hot glue gun and hot glue. A parent or much older sibling should help younger kids when glue guns are being manipulated. 
       Glue a colorful pom pom and a feather or two at the tip of one toothpick in order to make something similar to the cat picks shown in the photograph.
       Cats love to chase, flip and jump after these simple toys in real life. So, items like this make playtime fun for pretend as well. 
Colorful toy tubes for cats and dogs.
       The next pet toy shown on the left, is made from paper straws, paints and pom poms and a small amount of metal tape.
       First, cut the paper straws to the same length, at least one inch.
       Then glue these together in a bundle using a tacky craft glue. Let the glue dry completely before painting the tubes. 
       After the paint is dry, apply some decorative metal tape. When the light hits the tape it will reflect it and make the toy even more interesting.
       The last step is to insert tiny pom poms inside two or three of the tubes using tacky glue. Do this on both sides of the toy in random places.This toy is good for tumbling and giving your doll's pet something interesting to toss about the room!

Monday, April 1, 2024

How to make dog collars for doll sized pets...

Left, our 18'' doll pets stand five inches tall when seated on their haunches. Right, the doll 
collars with split rings and dog themed charms.

        Does your doll's pet have a collar to identify who they belong too? These sweet little paper wire collars are as unique to your pet as you would make them. Choose different papers and charms to add one-of-a-kind touches.

Supply List:

  • paper covered wire 
  • decorative scrapbook papers
  • white school glue
  • masking tape
  • metal dog charms
  • Split Rings (20mm for dogs 5'' tall)
Left, paper covered wire frequently used in packing lettuce in supermarkets and what it looks 
like after it's been cut and covered with masking tape. Right, the dog collars are decoupaged
with white glue and scrapbook papers.

Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Twist the paper covered wire into a circular shaped collar for a stuffed pet dog. The circumference should be approximately 2 1/4 inches across. This size will easily slip over the top of a standard sized plush pet dog measuring 5 inches tall when seated on it's hind legs. If your doll's dog is smaller simply use a shorter wire for it's collar. Twist the ends together of several lengths of wire to determine what size works best for your doll's pet.
  2. Cover the paper wire with masking tape.
  3. Decoupage the dog collar using any decorative scrap paper you wish and the white school glue. Let the glue dry over night.
  4. Slip a split ring onto the collar and then add a dog charm.
  5. Now squeeze the plush dog's head a bit to fit the collar on over it's head and around it's neck.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Craft a Brick Dog House for Winter Weather

        This craft belongs to a set of dog houses we made for a few of our doll's larger pet dogs. Larger meaning approximately 5x6 inches. This black labradoodle loves his warm, cozy brick home. He stays dry and safe there while protecting all of his human children from intruders! 
       You will need the following craft supplies to make this dog house: scrap cardboard, white school glue, masking tape, red sandpaper, green paper, and cotton balls.
Step-by-Step Directions:
  1. Cut 6"x12" cardboard piece for the walls and floor of your doll house craft. 
  2. Score twice after two measured intervals of four inches. 
  3. Fold the walls at the scored places. 
  4. Now cut a 6"x 6" cardboard piece for the roof of the dog's house.
  5. Score at the midpoint of the roof. Each half of the roof should measure 3" wide by 6" in length.
  6. Cut two pieces of cardboard 1"x 6" and glue these at either side of the roof 1" from the overhang. A length of cardboard must span the roof underneath to prevent the walls from collapsing inside the roof. Use masking tape to hold these glued pieces in position white they dry if you need to.
  7. Now squeeze a generous bead of glue along the edge of the walls before fitting the roof over these. Let the glue dry over night to ensure a strong contact.
  8. Reinforce seams with glue and tape.
  9. Tape raw edges with masking tape.
  10. Paint the interior of the dog house any color you like.
  11. Cut two identical, rectangle windows for both sides of the dog house. Paste these in position.
  12. Cut long narrow strips of cardboard to frame the windows and paste these around the outside of the windows to frame them.
  13. Tape onto the rooftop a smaller box, cutting it to fit, to act as a pretend chimney. 
  14. Cut many rectangular shapes from the red sandpaper for pretend bricks and paste these onto all surfaces excluding the roof. 
  15. Cover the roof with green paper and paste. 
  16. Now unravel a few cotton balls to layer on the roof, on the top of the chimney and onto the window frames with white school glue. This will be the snow that has settled on the dog house during the winter!
Left, "A length of cardboard must span the roof underneath to prevent the walls from
collapsing inside the roof. Glue and tape the cardboard pieces in place, then glue
the roof to the outside walls leaving a decorative overhang." Center "Overhang on
the dog house roofs" Right, edges and corners reinforced with masking tape.

Left and Right, pasting on the red sandpaper bricks...

Monday, February 15, 2021

Craft A Paper Doll Dog Show!

        Stuck inside with little to do? Children can pretend to have a dog show using the printable materials provided below. We have restored paper doll dogs and also have included articles that explain what dog show judges look for in dog breeds when awarding them at competitions.

Supplies You Will Need for A Paper Doll Dog Show:

  • home printer
  • scissors
  • magic markers, colored pencils or crayons
  • white school glue
  • poster board (for mounting the paper animals)

Paper Doll Dogs Restored for Play and Descriptions of How Dog Breeds Are Judged:

  1. The Scottie show dog named "Mac" - is owned by Bonnie Brae MacGregor. She says he is a good watchdog.
  2. The Dalmatian show dog named "Spotty" - is the long time friend of Dan, a fire-fighter's son. Dan says that Spotty is a faithful watchdog.
  3. The Standard Poodle show dog named "Muffy" - Fifi is Muffy's owner and she says that her dog has won many dog show competitions.
  4. The Basset Hound show dog named "Dumpy" - is being brushed until his coat shines by his best friend, Billy.
  5. The German shepherd show dog named "Ruffy" - takes some time off from his job at precinct number 7 to be with Michel his owner's young son at the dog show.
  6. The Pekinese show dog named "Chu" - and her owner Patty love to meet new kids at the local parks. Patty also loves to show off how cute Chu looks after being groomed for the dog show.
  7. The Dachshund show dog named "Pooky" - Trudy is Pooky's best friend. She sometimes knits sweaters for him to wear when its cold outside!
  8. The Fox Terrier show dog named "Nicky" - This trained terrier grew up in the circus and knows all kinds of tricks!
  9. The Boxer show dog named "Chesty" - Tom loves his dog, Chesty, so much that he built him his very own dog house.
  10. The Chihuahuas show dog named "Paco" - a lively and playful dog that is easily trained
  11. The Cocker Spaniel show dog named "Princess" - Sue says her little princess is gentle and full of lively fun!
  12. The Collie show dog named "Lassie" - Lassie lives on a farm and helps her mistress with chores...

Now you will need to set up a display for the dog show:

Watch Real Dog Shows at YouTube for Kids:

This cute paper dog and more like it can be found at Paper Magic. 
Make even more of your favorite dog breeds to exhibit 
at your own dog show competition!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Story of The Dog...

"Dog is a faithful and courageous companion of man."

       The dog, a faithful, courageous and intelligent domestic animal, to which no truer or more simple tribute could be made than the following eulogy by Former Senator George Graham Vest:

       "The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger, to fight against his enemies. And, when the last scene of all homes, and death takes the master in its embrace, and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death."

       The earliest date of domestication of the dog is a matter of dispute, but he was the companion of man before history was first recorded. There is no doubt, however, that dogs are the descendants of several different kinds of wolves and jackals. Various breeds of dogs are now found everywhere, except perhaps in New Zealand. They serve the cannibals of the Pacific islands, the Eskimos of the frozen north, the red men of the prairies and the modern men of all civilized cities of the world. A few of the habits of their wild ancestors of the jungles and plain are still retained by the dogs of the household, such as digging up the earth with their forefeet and throwing it back with the hind feet, and turning around two or three times before lying down. If left to themselves some kinds of dogs would no doubt again become wild, as did the dogs left on Robinson Crusoe's island and as did the noble beast in Jack London's Call of the Wild. They would lose their bark, which observers consider an attempt to imitate the human voice, and would merely yelp and howl. Wild dogs are found in Southern Asia and in the islands of the Pacific. In Australia one species, a destroyer of sheep, is known as the dingo. The wild dog of India is the dhole, about which Kipling has written.

Scratching behind the ear.
       Breeds and Characteristics. There are about two hundred breeds of domestic dogs, which vary greatly in size, appearance and structure. All, like the cat, have five toes on the forefeet and four on the hind feet, but the claws are duller, shorter and not retractile, that is, cannot be drawn back into the toes. All earn their keep for some special service to the master, ranging from mere companionship, affection and devotion to the protection of life and property.
        In snow and ice-bound northern lands dogs play an important part in the activities of man. In Alaska, sled dogs and reindeer have been employed almost entirely for transportation in the past. Dogs which are half wolf, called malamutes, were harnessed to sleds in a line, one before the other. Those dogs were both thievish and are fierce fighters, however, and the Labrador huskies, which were longer-legged, more efficient cross-bred dogs, are slowly taking the place of the malamutes. These ‚huskies‚ were harnessed abreast so they could spread out in a fan-shaped team. Usually seven or nine dogs made such a team, and the burden for each was about 150 pounds. Many dogs were also in the employ of the United States government in Alaska, to carrying mail.
       Hounds are still employed in police departments of many large American and European cities, where they aid in capturing criminals. The use of various kinds of dogs as hunters of game is common everywhere. The collie is a famous shepherd dog. Stories about the rescuing of lost travelers in the Alps by the great Saint Bernard, and the saving of the drowning by those strong swimmers, the Newfoundlands, are numerous, interesting and true.
        Not only can various breeds of dogs be trained to hunt, but even the mongrel part of the household has intelligence keen enough to be taught various tricks: to beg, to, speak, to fetch, carry and do various simple acrobatic feats. A sharp reproof will be more effective than blows, and a kindly word will bring forgetfulness of former harshness and will call forth that sign of devotion, a grateful wag of the tail.
       Cleanliness and freedom from draughts are as necessary to the dog as to man; these will guard against the disease known as distemper. To remove fleas, that burden of a dog's life, careful bathing is necessary. Under favorable circumstances a dog will live for fifteen years. Even with the best of care, however, it is liable to disease. The worst of these is rabies, or hydrophobia (see Hydrophobia). If a human being is bitten by an animal suffering with rabies, the disease will be imparted to the person bitten.
       A dog can go longer without meat than without water, so his special water-pan should always be kept filled. One meal a day for a grown dog is considered sufficient; that may be of dog biscuit or the coarse scraps from the table, with not too much meat. A dog, to look best and to show most intelligence, should be neither fat nor lean, but just sleek. The occasional bone should not be forgotten, for gnawing on a bone keeps the dog's teeth sharp, and forms part of its amusement, too. Who has not watched a dog carefully bury its bone and then later seen another unearth it?

All in one family: coyote, fennec, jackal, wolf, fox, bull-dog, collie, and  Newfoundland.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

DIY Doggie Food and Water Dishes

The finished dog food and water bowls. 
Now our doll's dog Hobo can eat his dinner.
       Our doll's dog, Hobo, looks just like the dog in the old movie "Please, Don't Eat The Daisies" this is why we gave him this name. Plus he has a giant appetite! So we decided he needed a food dish and water bowl just for himself. Below is how we made these pet items yesturday. You will need to give similar pet crafts plenty of time for drying as well!

Supply List:
  • Two large juice bottle caps of equal size
  • white school glue
  • masking tape
  • tissue paper
  • tiny pebbles (come in bags are dollar stores)
  • a watery printed fabric or paper
  • Mod Podge (optional)
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Aquire two large or small, depending on the size of your doll's pet, bottle caps of equal size and shape. Wash these out with warm soap and water.
  2. Drizzle the inside of the caps with white school glue.
  3. Press tissue paper inside the caps and layer masking tape onto the tops. One cap should have a slight mound, this is for the dog food bowl. The other cap should have a flat surface for the dog's water bowl.
  4. Flood the dog food bowl with glue and press the pebbles inside from edge to edge. Use as much glue as possible. Layer the water bowl with a cut piece of water printed fabric or paper and glue. Let everything dry overnight.
Photos of the four steps needed to craft a pet dog's food and water dishes.

Craft a Cat Scratching Post for Dolls

Left, are the recycled cardboard parts tape together with masking tape. Center is the finished cat 
scratching post. Right is a close up of a doll pet cat called "Socks" relaxing inside the felt covered landing.

       Cat scratching posts come in all shapes and sizes: some have multiple landings, some have small shelters, others have multiple posts to scratch covered in all kinds of textures. I made our doll's cat scratching post using an old masking tape roll, one tube and a cardboard base. I chose a neutral shade of yarn to wrap it with and a gold felt to line the interior rest. But any color of yarn or felt may be used for the project. You can even chose to match your craft materials to the colors of a doll's favorite room.

Supply List:

  • recycled masking tape roll
  • paper tube or toilet roll
  • cardboard
  • masking tape
  • yarn of your choice
  • felt (any color) 
  • white school glue

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. First assemble the cardboard elements together using white glue and masking tape. 
  2. Cover the entire structure with masking tape
  3. Slowly squeeze out small tracks of white glue and wrap the structure with yarn as you go.
  4. Use glue to adhere any platforms with an alternate felt on top of the yarn wrapping if you wish. Now your doll's pet cat is ready to condition her nails and climb around her new playground!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Make a Cute Cardboard Dog House

Our doll's dog, Goldie, is looking for her new friend, Max, but he has yet to be adopted
 from the local shelter.
       This cute little dog house is decorated with paw print paper and painted cardboard letters. You can easily make a similar variation using a small box or even a milk carton. If you'd like to craft a dog house like this one, I've included measurements and directions below.

Supply List
  • cardboard
  • white school glue
  • masking tape
  • decorative scrapbook papers
  • cardboard letters (we used MAX)
Step-by-Step Directions:
  1. Cut 6"x12" cardboard piece for the walls and floor of your doll house craft. 
  2. Score twice after two measured intervals of four inches. 
  3. Fold the walls at the scored places. 
  4. Now cut a 6"x 6" cardboard piece for the roof of the dog's house.
  5. Score at the midpoint of the roof. Each half of the roof should measure 3" wide by 6" in length.
  6. Cut two pieces of cardboard 1"x 6" and glue these at either side of the roof 1" from the overhang. A length of cardboard must span the roof underneath to prevent the walls from collapsing inside the roof. Use masking tape to hold these glued pieces in position white they dry if you need to.
  7. Now squeeze a generous bead of glue along the edge of the walls before fitting the roof over these. Let the glue dry over night to ensure a strong contact.
  8. Reinforce seams with glue and tape.
  9. Tape raw edges with masking tape.
  10. Paint the interior of the dog house any color you like.
  11. Decoupage the exterior with a cute paw print scrapbook paper. 
  12. Glue the initials or an entire name of your dog to the roof using cardboard letters if you like.
  13. Paint the remaining surfaces. 
Left, "A length of cardboard must span the roof underneath to prevent the walls from collapsing
 inside the roof. Glue and tape the cardboard pieces in place, then glue the roof to the outside
walls leaving a decorative overhang." Center "Overhang on the dog house roofs" Right, edges
 and corners reinforced with masking tape.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Craft Small Award Ribbons

These gold metal award ribbons for 1rst, 2nd, and 3rd place are 4" long.

       To craft these small award ribbons you will need: decorative paper, fancy ribbon, cardboard, tacky white craft glue, either number stickers or number candy mold (and oven bake clay), acrylic paints, and tiny cupcake or candy liners.
       First cut out a circle from the cardboard and center your number in the middle of it. Your numbers could be stickers or molded out of oven bake clay. If you're using clay numbers bake them according to the instructions on the manufacturer's packaging. 
       Above, I layered the numbers on top of glittery gold paper. Then glued this to cardboard circles. After letting this dry, I cut the gold paper ruffle from tiny, metallic cupcake liners and pasted these to the backside of my award. Lastly, I cut striped grosgrain ribbon to paste on the back of each award. If you want to use this little craft idea to make SWAPS you will need to sew a tiny safety pin to a circle of felt and glue this last onto the back of the award ribbons.
       Below, I layered my numbers on top of a scrap paper and then glued this to cardboard shaped flowers. Then a cut and pasted patriotic ribbon to the backs of the place awards. 

These patriotic ribbon awards are 3" long.  Make a few for your
 McKenna Brooks doll to share with her friends!

Monday, July 30, 2018

DIY Pet Beds for Your Doll's Dog or Cat

       Covering doll furniture with cotton and fabric is not as difficult as it looks. However, it does take a bit of practice and patience! After awhile you will get used to the process and improve greatly as you go. Start with something simple, like a tiny bed for Barbie's pets.
Barbie and Ken have many pets, so they need to have pet beds for both
dogs and cats.
These little cats sleep in the utility room so we've trimmed
out their bedding with yellow calico to match the decor of
the doll's utility room.

Supply List:
  • Calico scraps and matching felt colors
  • cardboard
  • hot glue and hot glue gun
  • needle and thread
  • oval sponge (one cut in half or two separate)
  • masking tape
  • four beads of equal size for each bed
Step-by-Step Directions:
  1. Purchase your round sponge first before cutting or measuring any of the materials for this project. I cut my sponge in half to make two beds. However, you may decide to use two separate sponges for each bed instead. Cutting a sponge in half is not very easy to do. 
  2. Choose your pet's bed fabric to coordinate with other furnishings inside in your doll's house if you like. 
  3. Place your sponge on top of a piece of cardboard and draw around the circumference of it. Now you can cut this oval shape out to use as both a pattern and a part of your pet's bed.
  4. To fashion the sides of the pet bed, cut a one inch strip of cardboard out and round off the corners a bit.
  5. Now tape and paste this strip to the outside edge of the cardboard base to form the side. Let this dry. Make sure to leave a space around one half of the pet's bed without a side. This will make the bed easy to get in and out of. (shown just right)
  6. Set your sponge onto the wrong side (A sewing term that means backside.) of the calico you have selected. Draw with a pencil around the edge of the sponge on top of the fabric. Now draw a second line approximately 2 inches away from this shape. You need to cut your fabric just a little bit larger than the actual sponge so that you can wrap the fabric and tape it in place over the top half of the sponge.
  7. Don't worry about wrapping your pieces to look clean where you will be putting hot glue anyway. 
  8. Now, wrap the cardboard pet bed in the same way, taping down the left over corners down to the inside interior of the bed. (see photo below)
  9. Hot glue the covered sponge into the covered pet bed frame. 
  10. Hot glue a oval piece of felt to the bottom of your pet's bed. (see photo below)
  11. Hot glue on four beads for feet. (see photo below)
  12. Sew seams down around the bed's wrapped edges if necessary.
Right, see how messy the inside of this bed looks! But, I'm going to hot glue the covered sponge over this, so it's o.k.
if it's a bit messy! Center, I have hot glued the matching felt to the bottom of each pet bed and this covers up the tape
used to wrap the bottom edges with fabric. Then I glued four beads on the bottom to act as 'legs' for the pet beds.
Right, my finished projects. I used a needle and thread to sew the seams down as well.

The doll's dog sleeps in the blue and green bedroom so we've selected a coordinating calico print to trim out his bed.
The dog is made from chenille stems. You can learn how to make one similar to mine by visiting Art Education Daily.