The finished Raggedy Ann using the pattern below.
Just the other day, I had been reading Raggedy Ann to our little people. And the children decided they wanted something to do. So we decided to make our own raggedy dolls with muslin scraps.
We gathered cotton, muslin, buttons, yarn, watercolor paints, needle and thread, and flowered calico. I cut the pattern, body and head in one piece.
Below is the diagram and dimensions. The pattern allows a seam, with stitching on the dotted lines. Leave the ends open to stuff. Close seam at end of body after stuffing. Sew on the stuffed arms and legs.
Sew two shoe-buttons on the face for eyes, and draw the nose and mouth with good black pencil or trace carefully with ink. Paint the cheeks and shoes red with water colors, red wax crayons, wet red crepe paper, or red ink. Sew brown, red or black yarn in loose loops all over the head, closely.
Then cut the loops in two, making her scraggly hair. Make her a dress and apron as you would for your other six-inch dolls. Now you have a sweet little doll who can tell her own stories about doll adventures in the playhouse or nursery!

Left, print and cut out the pattern provided below. Center, trace around the paper pattern pieces and cut these out leaving a 1/4" boarder. Right, use a straight stitch to sew the two sides of each arm, leg and torso together, leaving open the ends of each for stuffing.
Left, the pieces are sewn together by hand because the doll is so small. Center, turn the doll limbs and body inside out to stuff. Right, after the body has been stuffed and assembled, wrap a strong thread around the ends of the arms to make simple mitt-like hands.
Left, the body has been stuffed and assembled by hand using a needle and thread. Center, the features and skin color are applied with acrylic paints. Right, the classic red yarn hair is both stitched and glued firmly to our Raggedy Ann's head.
Left, I decided to applique a dress onto my doll's tiny body instead of making it removable. Sometimes I decide to do this for sample dolls. Center, I also used black puff paints to fill in the doll's pupils here. Right, the hands were also painted.
Left, details of ribbon on the apron of the doll. Center left, Raggedy has red and white stripped socks in the classic illustrated version by Johnny Gruelle, so I included these on our doll too. This rag doll has navy shoes however to match her dress. Center right, her hair bow is hot glued to her yarn head. Right, a tiny silk rosette at her collar adds a finishing touch to this sample Raggedy Ann doll.