This retro, fashion doll article first appeared in The Australian Women's Weekly, 1966, by Jenny Irvine. It is archived online by the Bauer Media Group as historical content.

"Well, here's a novel use for your surplus Christmas hankies this year. You can make a wardrobe of smart summer outfits for a teenage doll.
It takes one handkerchief for each outfit and only a few hours to make them all.
You can have marvelous fun designing "handker-shift dresses incorportating the floral boarder, lace edging, checkered pattern, etc...
We made a two-piece beach outfit with a scarf, a smart town ensemble and a dreamily romantic evening gown -- All from hankies!
They were all made from the average 11in. square handkerchief - the first two from cotton handkerchiefs and the evening gown from an Irish linen, lace bordered one.
The town ensemble was dressed up with flower motifs cut from pink broderie anglaise and a pink mob cap to match centered with a circle of the same material as the outfit.
The evening dress was more difficult to make than the other two outfits as we added sleeves, beaded the gown, and made a circlet of pearls to wear as an accessory on the doll's head." Jenny Irvine.
Teenage doll dressed for town in an ensemble with a mob cap to match. Graph, left, shows how to cut out the dress. Each square represents one square inch.
The Town Ensemble: Instructions: "Hem both cut edges of skirt dress. Fold material so that the bordered edge of the handkerchief is on the right side, and hem. Pulled on to the doll, the skirt-dress hangs from above the bust and will be knee-length.
To make the scarf, hem the cut edges, fold the square in half to make a triangle, and attach the points of the triangle with a lace motif or beading.
Placed around the doll's shoulders with the triangle point at the back, the scarf forms a high collar. To keep in place, use a press-stud to hold the scarf to the skirt-dress.
The hat was made from a strip (7" by 2") of broderie anglaise, Gather one side of the length with cotton. Join the material to form a circle.
On top of the gathered ends, place and sew a small circle (one inch in diameter) of the same material as the outfit. Attach to doll's head with a pin."
This doll's evening gown could easily be used also as a wedding dress.
Evening Dress: Instructions: ''See graph above left. Hem the armholes to prevent fraying. Attach the sleeves, which are cut so that the lace hangs below the elbow. Fold cut edge inwards flollowing fold marks on pattern- the armholes should be the guide with the fold falling dead center from three markers.
Sew the cut edge to the inner side of the lace border, then sew down the lace border on the material so that it falls in a panel, center of the gown. Sew only as much as 7 1/2inch., taking your measurement from the lace hemline. Fold the remaining lace on both sides back to form a collar. Bunch the lace and sew down to prevent it being too wide and cumbersome.
To bead the gown, follow the lace edge hemming of the handkerchief and also bead the collar."
For a day at the beach, but not for swimming.
Beach Outfit and Scarf: Instructions: "See graph above left. Join side seams of jacket and right shoulder seams. Sew press-studs on left shoulder seam after hemming edges. Hem cut edge of skirt length. Sew pleat down and hook together wit press-studs down left-hand side.
For the scarf hem, cut edge and tie around doll's head."
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