Doll Lapbooks

       A lap book, layer book, flap book, or shutter book is a type of single-subject book created by a young student, generally as a supplement to a curriculum. Lapbooks are made from a paperboard folder such as a file folder with small pieces of folded paper glued inside. These folded papers may contain facts, diagrams, illustrations, etc. related to the subject. 
       Teachers and parents who use lap books with students say that they enhance creativity and critical thinking while integrating subjects such as science, language, history, geography, and mathematics, depending on the subject of the lap book. There are online companies that provide a variety of lap book materials and curriculum to both educators and parents who home school their children. Companies like: Train Up A ChildTime4LearningLapbook Lessons, and Appletastic Learning.
       Our online research links are based upon the written content found inside each character's book(s). Websites are written, in general, for fifth to sixth grade readers, as are newspapers. So if your student is approximately 9-12 years of age, book(s) and the research web links that we have included here should be approximate to their reading levels. This will vary for individual students depending upon their school environment, reading history, and developmental ability, of course. We always recommend that parents and teachers visit the websites prior to their students study, to review the content.
       Educators may consider introducing alternative internet journal or diary assignments for those students who love to write about their doll/toy interests and have out-grown lap book assignments. As internet access has became commonly available, many young people are adopting it as yet another medium in which to chronicle their interests with the added dimension of an audience.
       Widespread blogging tools are now used to create web journals. Recent advances have also been made to enable the privacy of internet diary entries, so that parents need not worry about their child's private content becoming widely accessed by the public. 
Classic Character Dolls Including Chapter Books and Art Projects From Our Blog
  1. Mary Frances Helpem's story is for every boy and girl who hopes to render first-aid to the sick or injured in time of peace, in time of war, and at all times in the service of our country.
  2. Laura and Mary Ingalls Dolls Artifacts and Related Craft Projects - Adapted For The Little House Book Series, Non-fiction.
  3. 'Hittie' short for Mehitabel is the doll from Rachel Field's book Hitty, Her First Hundred Years - Artifacts that include crafts, history and games etc... coming soon!
  4. Faithful Friends Dolls - 18'' Pioneer dolls by artist Heidi Ott, have a four book series set, stories take place in 1896 Illinois Prairie
Our Magic Attic Club Doll Indexes for Lapbook Projects and History Journals: The fantasy genre dolls by Robert Tonner. The reading level recommended for these dolls is 3rd through 5th grade, which is slightly younger than the American Girl Doll book series.
  1. The Shared Adventures of The Magic Attic Girls
  2. Alison McCann is a tomboy who loves sports but also spends much of her time baking in the kitchen with her mother.
  3. Heather Hardin is a Jewish girl who wants to be a dancer or a fashion designer when she grows up.
  4. Keisha Vance is an African-American girl who loves to sing in her choir, take photographs and participate in her cheer leading squad.
  5. Megan Ryder is a girl who loves animals and is always happy to solve a new mystery.
  6. Rose Hopkins is a Native American girl who loves computer games and plays soccer.
Our American Girl Doll Artifact Indexes For Lapbook Projects and History Journals: American Girl by Mattel has an entire line of dolls and books that accompany them for the very purpose of integrating dramatic play with literacy, history and science. If the doll you would like to acquire has been retired, don't fret! You can design your own historical version by American Girl online and give her the same name as the original. Also click here to download the original historic doll dress patterns for free!  And visit the Then and Now Videos for doll character stop motion videos. The reading level for most all of the books that accompany these dolls is for 5th grade.
       American Girl Doll has decided to offer all of their Historical Dolls in 2021 for their 35th Anniversary! You can see the new doll versions at BiggestAGFanEVER here.
Cover of the American Girl Character
Learn More About Additional Doll Collections:
More Doll Related Book Series:

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