Dollhouse Decorating

  Meet our interior decorating guide, Miss Hazel Brown.
 Hazel once worked as a consultant and designer for
Armstrong Cork Co. and was also a school teacher
from Indianapolis. She certainly had a way with a paint
 brush and a pen! We think her writing skills about interior
 design are second to none so this is why we have included
 her journals here for our young readers inspiration.
       "As you browse through these posts, you'll find ideas for every room in your doll's house - right from the entrance hall to the attic. You may not be able to duplicate any of the rooms just as they are shown here, because every home is slightly different from the other. But these rooms should contribute a number of suggestions which you can use in your own planning. And that's as it should be because it is your own plans and your own ideas that give your doll's home its very special charm and personality.
       When planning a room consider how it's to be used and who will use it . . . you'll see what I mean when you look at the rooms that I have selected for this blog . . . each one answers a decorating problem that's common in so many of our doll homes.
       Before you start, one bit of advice, be sure to work out your color scheme first. Carefully pick out your samples of drapery material, upholstery, wall colors, and floor treatments. Then you can see in advance how they will look when you put these all together in the finished room. That's the professional way . . . and the best way, to keep from making costly and unnecessary mistakes.
       With these few suggestions - plus your own good taste, imagination, and enthusiasm‚ you shouldn't have any trouble tackling any room in your dollhouse."

Cordially yours, Hazel Brown
  • The front door, or front porch is the first thing a visitor sees therefore, important to make a positive lasting impression. search related posts
  • A bathroom is where people bath or shower, use the toilet and take care of daily hygiene and cleaning.  search our doll bathroom posts
  • A bedroom is a room used for sleeping primarily. search our doll bedroom posts
  • A conservatory is a building or room having glass or tarpaulin roofing and walls used as a greenhouse or a sunroom. search our doll conservatory posts
  • A dining room is a formal place for guests to be fed and entertained. Some families eat daily in a dining room for evening meals. search our doll dining room posts
  • A kitchen is the room in a house where food is prepared to eat. Many kitchens also have tables and chairs for informal dining as well. search our doll kitchen posts
  • A laundry room is a place where clothing and bed linens are washed, dried and ironed. search our doll laundry room posts
  • A library is a place in a home set aside for reading or study. Libraries often have a family book collection and sometimes a computer/office supply. search our doll library posts
  • family room or living room is a multi purpose room where people can entertain guests , relax after work and watch T.V. search our doll family room posts
  • A nursery is a room where a infant or toddler sleeps. search our doll nursery posts
  • A home office is a place where adults may work from home or children might study and do their school work. search our doll office or study posts
  • A music room is a place designed for performance and practice of instruments. This is also a room that may be especially designed to accommodate entertaining and technical sound equipment. search our doll music room posts
  • A sewing room is  space set aside inside of a home for the express purpose of storing and maintaining the tools, fabrics, machinery used in the production of textile products like: clothing and quilting, etc., search our doll sewing room posts
  • sleeping porch is a deck or balcony, sometimes screened or otherwise enclosed with screened windows, and furnished for sleeping in warmer months. They can be on ground level or on a higher storey and on any side of a home. search our doll porch posts.
  • Garages are utility rooms where cars, bikes, and lawn equipment is stored apart from the other rooms of the house. Tools are often stored inside of a garage as well. search our doll garage posts 
  • The lawn and garden are outdoor spaces for work and play attached to the property of a home owner or renter. search our doll garden posts
  • Linens include all textile home goods. search our doll linen posts
  • Decorate Dollhouse doors and windows. search our related posts
  • Floor coverings for a dollhouse (rugs, tiles etc...) search our related posts here
Doll House Printables: The following doll house printables are restored, colorized and reconfigured by me. Sometimes I have taken the liberty of redrawing them too. These versions are only for personal craft projects folks. Do not redistribute them from your web pages or blogs. If you include them in social media sites make sure that they are linked back to their post of origin please. Do not remove the web address or text until you cut the printables out for crafting. Read the Terms of Use before downloading and agreeing to them.
  1. Printable Brick Patios, Pergolas and Front Porches
  2. A Garden View for Your Doll's Kitchen Window 
  3. 30 Vintage Labels for Doll House Foods
  4. 1" Scale, Coral Pink Linoleum Printable
  5. Vintage Cedar Furnishings for A Doll's House
  6. Colorful, Playful Brick Work for Doll's Houses 
  7. Faux Wood Grain Printables 
  8. Printable Clock Faces 
  9. Half Inch (1/2") Scale Green Printable Lino
  10. Vinyl Clip Art Records for Doll Crafts
  11. Printable Candy Bar Wrappers for Dolls
  12. Printable Eye Chart for Dolls
  13. Old Camera Clip Art Page
  14. Printable Garden Clip Art
  15. Printable Post Office Box Labels 
  16. Printable Persian Dollhouse Rugs 
  17. Printable Dollhouse Door Hardware: Set 1
  18. A Doll Sized LIFE magazine from 1944 (includes 6 pages)
  19. Dollhouse window printable includes stained glass...
  20. Persian Rug Printables for 1/4 Inch (1:48) dollhouses
  21. Printable Wool Blankets for 1" (1:12) Dolls
  22. A stained glass window for a doll's church
  23. Printable Wooly Checked Blankets for 1 inch (1:12) Dolls
  24. Brick Print Floors for The Dollhouse (all standard sizes)
  25. Print a Miniature Faux Tile Floor (1" scale, grey, black and white marble)
  26. Leaf patterned wall paper - 3 colors
  27. Mantels for a dollhouse in printable watercolors . . .
  29. Printable Lino Check Floor for Your Dollhouse (1" scale) 
  30. Linoleum tiles for your 18" dollhouse floors
  31. Printable Brick Fireplace With Mission Furnishings
  32. Printable Chinese Checker Board and Instructions for How To Play
  33. Antique Printable Rugs (2)
  34. Printable pretend money for doll play...
  35. Four different fireplace surrounds for dollhouses
  36. Mullion Garden View Windows - four views of four gardens
  37. Templates for Bakery Boxes - Both Barbie and American Girl sizes  
  38. Currier & Ives Prints for The Dollhouse 
  39. New wallpaper prints for your dollhouses - checks, plaids, dots and red designs
  40. A tile print design for floors or walls in a doll's house - pink, teal blue, gold and black
  41. Beautiful six-pointed star tile printable for dollhouses!
  42. Color a classic mantel design for your dollhouse...
  43. Dollhouse wall papers in shades of blue...
  44. Printable quilts for dolls here
Search for Printable Posters and Artworks:
  1. Musical Theater Posters for A Dollhouse
  2. Printable Dollhouse Tapestries
  3. Autumn Printable Paintings for Your Dollhouse
  4. Vintage Printable Astronomy Poster
  5. Hummingbird Print and North American Thrush Print
  6. Bird Topography Posters
  7. Printable Food Posters
  8. Prints by Paul Poiret
  9. Printable Posters and logo for our Doll's Grand Hotel
  10. Poster and Enamel Signs for A Doll Diner
  11. A Printable Poster for a Doll's Bakery
  12. Garden Watercolors by Margaret Waterfield
  13. Dollhouse prints for horse loving dolls
  14. Old-fashioned prints for Victorian themed dollhouse nursery. 
Holiday/festival related printables will now be located only under the folllowing indices: Halloween Doll CraftsThanksgiving Doll CraftsChristmas Doll CraftsNew Year's Day Doll CraftsSaint Valentine's Day Doll CraftsSaint Patrick's Day Doll CraftsEaster Doll Crafts and The North American Federal Holidays or Patriotic Craft Listings (Visitors will need to check for current updates to these categories at each unique Index in the future.)

If you are looking for more doll house printables to color yourself, these may be also found at my Crayon Palace Blog.

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