Showing posts with label dollhouses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dollhouses. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Miniature Mouse Cider House

       This miniature cider house or cider shack was built by my daughter to put into a larger seasonal display. She made it very quickly in my opinion: she wiped it together inside of an hour! Later she added the mice and a few more details that I talk about at the bottom of this post.

Finished cider shack minus the mice.

Supply List:

  • decorative fall or harvest themed papers + print of wooden plank flooring
  • Sculpey for mini pumpkins
  • white card stock for signs, basket of apples and award
  • recycled lid for framed print
  • straw scraps for loft
  • corrugated cardboard for faux "metal roof"
  • tray of watercolors
  • Mod Podge
  • small cardboard box for the tiny pub
  • two spools for the table + scrap cardboard for the top
  • scrap fabric for table linen
  • tiny mugs for the cider (purchased)
  • acrylic paints for the signs and roof details

Step-by-Step Instructions: 

  1. Select and shape the roof of a shallow box. This one has an arched shape. The faux corrugated metal is actually made from a well defined interior corrugated cardboard insert. It was painted with additional shades of brown to make it look even more extreme. 
  2. Next the interior walls and floors with decoupaged with decorative papers. The outside side walls of the shack were already decorated with the apple print that you see in the photo below.
  3. Then the back oval window with glued in mullion was cut out and painted. 
  4. A small simple print of flowers was cut from scrap paper and glued inside of a shallow lid to make it look framed. This was then glued to a side wall for further decoration.
  5. My daughter then made little signs for the mouse cider house, one with a menu another for the outside of the display labeling what it was intended to represent.
  6. She then used her watercolors to paint a basket of apples for the attic storage room. 
  7. She sculpted the 3 dimensional pumpkins from Sculpey oven-bake clay and followed the directions for baking it posted on the package. 
  8. She then painted the pumpkins orange and their stems green. Let these dry and brushed on Mod Podge to seal them.
  9. She glued two large wooden spools to the bottom of a table top cut from cardboard. 
  10. Afterwards she cut a scrap of plaid fabric for the tablecloth and set the table using store bought mugs.
  11. Lastly, she made the 1rst place award ribbon for best squeezed cider and hung it above the table with mugs.
Left, the window cut out from the back and given a cross shaped mullion. Center, the side of the
original recycled box had this apple print on it. Right, just a few details make for a cozy shack for
 tiny mouse dolls to eat and drink the delights of the Fall seasonal harvest!

One month later . . .

Left, the barrel of "popcorn", the donuts and caramel apple, an old-fashioned apple press and
finally the cotton batting mouse were later added to the miniature display items. Center see all
of the things together. Right, details of her little cotton batting mouse with overalls and freckles.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Turn A Bookcase Into A Dollhouse

Dollhouse made using a bookcase 46" tall.
       I turned a child's small bookcase into a dollhouse using recycled cardboard, wrapping paper and lino tiles. . . plus a whole lot of white school glue! 
       The top two floors of our dollhouse are constructed with heavy cardboard, the two lower floors are the original wooden bookcase. The top may be slipped on and off for storage.
       The windows of the dollhouse were constructed using two very shallow boxes and cardboard cut grids. Both have slits at the top and photos may be slipped in and out of these to change the views seen from the interior of the dollhouse rooms.
       The second floor of the dollhouse has a tiled floor made up of samples of linoleum. These were grouted to the shelf permanently. The other floors were decoupaged using a faux printed paper made to look like actual wooden floors. 
       I layered scalloped-cut cardboard to mimic roof tiles on the sides of the dollhouse only. 
       I will post the rooms as these are decorated with refinished doll furnishings and/or newly made furniture from recycled materials. Meanwhile, why not take a look at a few miniature crafts of furnishings here at our blog?

Bookcase portion of the dollhouse without it's top two floors.
The "A" frame part of the dollhouse with two floors beneath the roof in front of the bookcase.

Close up photos of the bookcase dollhouse details showing trim work, floors, windows and walls.

More Bookcase Transformations by Everyday People:

Additional Doll Homes Made by Master Miniaturists:

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Color The Doll's House

Description of Coloring Page: Decorate this doll's house: add shingles to the roof and bricks on the walls, draw doll's in the windows, color flowers on the front lawn...
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Apartment Dollhouse Modernized with Elevator

      The four-story, step-back construction of this pressed-wood or plywood dollhouse gives it more room than the average dollhouse, without taking as much floor space. One side of each room is open and only one wall of each room is provided with windows. The elevator shaft is incorporated with the chimney and has a door on each floor. A crank projecting from the basement wall operates the elevator by the braking action of a clothespin on the axle. A balustrade around the terrace and a tin awning add to the appearance.
Vintage doll apartment plans. 

More Apartments For Barbie: