Candy bar wrappers by kathy grimm. Free for little ones to print,
cut and paste for their doll's treats. |
Now your dolls can have doll sized candy bars in their lunch boxes, at their parties or even to hand out during a trick-or-treating scenario. Print a nice supply of candy bar wrappers from below. Assemble them using cut cardboard (or brown colored foam sheets) and kitchen foil. You will need a bit of white school glue and scissors too.
Put a little glue onto the dull side of your tin foil sheets before wrapping these around the cardboard shaped candy bars. Then add a small amount of glue to the back side of the candy bars before folding the candy wrappers around the faux chocolate bars. Then seal the surfaces with Mod Podge to give them some durability for play.
Left, print and cut the wrapper logos out. Center, cut cardboard candy bar shapes.
Right, cut tin foil to wrap around the candy bars before gluing the wrappers around the cardboard. |
Kit wants to make sure the candy is good before serving it to her doll friends this
Halloween! Her rainbow fairy costume is an altered Build-A-Bear design. |
Pretend Candy Bar Wrappers: Swiss Miss Chocolate from the Alps, Caramel & Orange Cream Old-World Flavors, Heavenly Chocolate with Peanuts, Crunchy Krispy Bar Candy Love At First Bite! and Almond Delight Bar With Fudge and Fruits.
Candy Bar Wrappers by kathy grimm ©2019
For personal use only - Not for sale - Do not redistribute from alternative websites. |
More Doll Sized Candy Bar Wrappers:
A Treat for the Wee Folk
Our woods are very dark at night-
I dare not in them play,
Although I know most every tree
And every flower by day.
But Hallowe'en I go quite near
And scatter candy sweets.
So, when the elves and fairies come
They all will find a treat.