Little Songs and Poems

All little poems, songs and rhyming text at this blog is in
the public domain unless it appears on a video.
"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe: 
She had so many children she didn't know what to do."

      I always envied that old woman her opportunity. I should have set those children all down on little stools in a neat circle around the shoe, and read to them out of poetry-books. And they would all have been as good as gold too.
      Perhaps you think this is the romantic dream of one who knows not the ways of a child? But it isn't a dream at all; it is a fact founded upon an axiom which I, and many wiser than I, have evolved out of experience, namely: "Most normal children love poetry." Moreover, most normal children, as well as most grown-ups, are good when they have what they like. Consequently, my circle of children around the show would, in all  probability, have been as good as gold.
      To return for a moment to my axiom. If children did not, as a rule, love poetry,--verses, jingles, anything with a rhythm to it, --why should our kindergartens devote so much time to the little songs and poems which the children learn so eagerly? Why should half the children illustrated editions of all kinds of verses, from Mother Goose and Edward Lear to Browning's "The Pied Piper of Hamelin"? Why should it be so rare a thing for any well-brought-up infant to parts to attain his fifth year without the accomplishment of mounting a stool and reciting "the friendly cow all red and white," or some other infants' classic? Why should Sunday schools teach religion in children's hymns and other verses? And why, even, should mothers, until modern times, have rocked their babies rhythmically to sleep to the sound of a measured lullaby? Magee.

Little Songs and Poems: For Reading, Reciting, Remembering and some for Coloring:
  1. Paper Doll Poem  by Pauline King 
  2. Goodnight by Crawford Neil
  3. The Clothes-Pin Dollies  by Camilla J. Knight 
  4. My Doll by Author Unknown 
  5. The Doll Bed by Minerva Hunter
  6. The Sand Man  by Dodge and Stilwell 
  7. The Fairy Ching Lu and His Bothersome Queue by Anna M. Scott
  8. One & One
  9. A Fairy Necklace by Enid Blyton
  10. My Three Dolls by Isabel Allardyce  
  11. Little Miss Limberkin
  12. At the Doll's Hospital by Anne P. L. Field
  13. Wake Up Birdie!
  14. A Valentine for Old Dolls by Rachel Field
  15. Creation by Edward P. Butler 
  16. Christmas Song
  17. Fellow Travelers by Pauline Frances Camp
  18. Mr. Big Toe 
  19. Dolly's Wings by Laura Loring
  20. I'm Such A Little Tot by J. H. G.
  21. A Child's Troubles from St. Nicholas
  22. Hang Up The Baby's Stocking
  23. Charley Boy by Eliza Lee Follen
  24. Grandma Always Does by Unknown Author
  25. The Long Ago Doll by Marjorie Barrows
  26. A Teeny-Tiny Story
  27. Sleepy Dandelions by Harriot Putnam
  28. Dolly's Toilet
  29. Going To Bed by Unknown Author
  30. Little Whimpy by Mary Mapes Dodge
  31. The Little Angel from Melodies of Childhood
  32. The Naughty Kitten-Cat by Florence Crocker Comfort
  33. A Thanksgiving Dinner
  34. December by Arthur Jerome
  35. The Coming Storm by William Brightly Rands
  36. Stop, Stop, Pretty Water! by Eliza Lee Follen
  37. Dolly Asleep by Keeler
  38. Two Little Beds by Elizabeth Ellis Scantlebury
  39. A Housekeeper's Troubles by Unknown Author 
  40. Birdies With Broken Wings 
  41. To The Fire-Fly by Thomas Moore
  42. The Paris Doll by Caroline Morgan
  43. Dolly Takes Tea by Albert Bigelow Paine 
  44. A Dolls Wedding by Lucy Larcom
  45. Five Kernels of Corn
  46. October Thoughts by Unknown Author
  47. Merry Autumn Days by Charles Dickens 
  48. Dolly's Doctor
  49. The Spinning Wheel at Rest by Edward A. Jenks
  50. The Old Home by Arthur Burdick
  51. An Old Rat's Tale by Author Unknown 
  52. The Night Before Thanksgiving by Eva Lovett Carson 
  53. A Thanksgiving Acrostic by Susan M. Best  
  54. Dance Of The Months
  55. The Silent Pool by Enid Blyton
  56. Christmas Morning by Burges Johnson
  57. The New Year by Luranah Hammond 
  58. Naming The Doll by Caroline Morgan
  59. "I had a little doll"
  60.  Ode To The New Year by Charlotte C. Davenport 
  61. Birthdays by Maud Keary
  62. To Father Christmas by Maud Keary 
  63. "If I were an artist"...
  64. Asleep by Edward A. Jenks 
  65. A Jewish Home by Jessie Sampter 
  66. The Good Night by John Martin
  67. "Company Manners"
  68. The Lost Doll by Charles Kingsley  
  69. The Moon at Tea-Time by Enid Blyton
  70. Mama Old Year and Baby New by L. L. Greene Richards
  71. Flower Fairies by Philip Bourke Marston
  72. Shamrock Song by Katherine Tynan
  73. St. Patrick's Day Jig and Sheet Music
  74. Rebecca
  75. Your Heart is A Music Box by Frances Sargent Osgood
  76. The White Rabbits by Edith Campbell
  77. Waking to Life by Hannah Kohaus
  78. The Sewing Doll by Amelia De Wolfjers 
  79. The Paper House by Harriet McLear 
  80. The Rhyme of The House by Grace L. Klock
  81. Taking Tea by Author Unknown
  82. Free Children's Hymns for The Christian Home
  83. Learning Their Letters
  84. On Strike by Enid Blyton
  85. Sabbath Morning
  86. The Noah's Ark by Katherine Pyle 
  87. A Ghost! by Elizabeth Betts 
  88. The Naughty Doll
  89. The Bear Hunt by Margaret Widdemer 
  90. The Nicest One
  91. Teddy Brown-Bear by Florence M. Pettee
  92. Dolly's Lesson
  93. Mother's Pincushion by Harriet Hunting Pierson
  94. Dolly's Pocket
  95. The Old Doll by Seegmiller
  96. Since Will Turned Into a Boy... by F. A. Steele
  97. Dolly's Mamma 
  98. The Merry-Go-Round by Clinton Scollard
  99. The Hollyhock Fairy by M. D. Cole
  100. Tomorrow's The First of May by Pauline More Wetzel 
  101. May Dance by Josephine Van Dolzen Pease
  102. The May-Day Piper by Anna Medary 
  103. Democracy by Isabel L. Whitney
  104. Growing... by Frances Camp Duggar
  105. The New Doll by Seegmiller 
  106. Lullaby by Margaret Mitchell Wilcox
  107. Sunbeams by Edith Lombard Squires
  108. Birds In Winter by Mrs. A.A. Whetstone
  109. When Mother was a little girl by Anna Medary 
  110. The Bird House by Elizabeth Madox Roberts
  111. Summering by Blanche Elizabeth Wade 
  112. Our Sand Pile by Anna Medary
  113. A Lit-tle Moth-er
  114. April by Eleanor Hammond
  115. The Rainbow Land by Bertha Carman Herbst
  116. Indian Children by Annette Wynne
  117. Caterpillar On The Wall by Marion Ryan
  118. Parasol by Helen Wing 
  119. Did You Know? by Louise Marshall Haynes
  120. April Fool by Anna Medary
  121. The Land of Fairy Tales
  122. Spring by Betty Alsterlund 
  123. Mud Pies author unknown
  124. Grandma's Specs by Edith White
  125. The Howl Wind by Winifred V. Jordan
  126.  A Mis-take Poem author unknown 
  127. The Fairy School by Marjorie Barrows
  128. The Popping Corn Poem
  129. The Two Dollies by F. K.
  130. Waiting
More About Poetry:
      "Rhymers are Readers: The Importance of Nursery Rhymes: They're fun, children love them, and they provide a warm nurturing experience between parent and child. Songs and rhymes for young children have been passed down for generations. This workshop creates an awareness of the enormous educational value of nursery rhymes and informs parents and caregivers how to use them as a teaching tool." video and workshops from KBYUEleven

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