Wednesday, December 4, 2019


by Arthur Jerome Burdick

OH, December is a jolly month a-brimmin' o'er
with joys
With skatin' an' with sleighin' fer all the girls an'
With the music of their laughter, an' the merry
bells thet jingle,
An' the watchin' an' the waitin' fer thet jolly old
Kris Kringle.

Oh, the frosty flakes a-flyin' an' a-flittin' through
the air,
An' the hurry an' the scurry of the cutters ev'ry-
An' the bracin', bitin' breezes thet jest sets the
blood atingle,
An' the watchin' an' the waitin' fer thet jolly old
Kris Kringle !

An' oh, 'tis in December thet all the kinfolks dear
Drift in at the old homestead to partake of Christ-
mas cheer ;
An' the music of their laughter an' the noise of
chatter mingle
As they sit before the fireplace waitin' fer thet old
Kris Kringle.

Oh, jest give me old December with its bluster an
its blow,
With the hills an' valleys sparklin' with their cov-
erin' of snow,
With its crisp an' frosty atmosphere, thet makes
the warm blood tingle,
An' the watchin' an' the waitin' fer thet jolly old
Kris Kringle.

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