Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Easter Doll Crafts Index

Just a few of our Easter doll crafts. Left, Easter egg dye kit for dolls., Center left, an Egg Dye printable.,
Center right, cotton batting carrots and carrot cake. Far Right, pink and lavender carnations made from felt.
        Easter is the Spring holiday that represents a time of rebirth. Just as nature awakens from a long winter, with tiny buds on the ground and in the trees, so do we return to a new life on earth promised to us by our Savior, Jesus. And this is also why young, new life represented by eggs, nests and flowers or life that is transformed through stages like butterflies emerging from a chrysalis (cocoons), have always been used to decorate our homes in the Spring.
       I will include a variety of crafts below dedicated to the Easter/Lent holiday that you can make for your dolls or dollhouse; or, you may wish to host a Spring themed party and use some of the game ideas, stories or craft ideas to entertain your doll's guests.

Easter Doll Crafts, Stories, and Games:
  1. Make Doll Easter Bonnets from Paper Dishes! - colorful plaid bonnets made with paper plates and cups.
  2. Nostalgic Printable Easter Postcards - Dolls can send Easter greetings to each other.
  3. Weave colorful Easter baskets for your dolls - made with colorful paper and paper cups.
  4. Craft a Rabbit Ring Toss Game - Every doll can play ring toss at an Easter party.
  5. DIY Easter Egg Dye Kit for Dolls - This also includes a printable dye kit envelope.
  6. How To Make Felt Carnations for A Doll - pink and lavender, easy felt flowers in minutes!
  7. DIY Cotton Batting Carrots With Feather Tops - you'll love making these so much! They would also look charming on an egg tree.
  8. Cottontail Rabbits - Learn about baby bunnies in the Spring and teach your dolls too.
  9. Make doll sized deviled eggs - traditionally served as appetizers for Easter Sunday Dinner
  10. Paint a cheerful Easter floorcloth for your dollhouse - made from canvas and paint, free patterns
  11. Sculpting and painting a rainbow of colored eggs... - Learn which breeds of chickens produce what color of eggs!
  12. Make Delicious Easter Deserts for your dolls... - egg shaped sugar cookies, cross sheet cake with rainbow in background and a carrot cake
  13. Happy Harmonies for Easter Play - craft a mechanical toy with bunnies, mouse and duck playfully performing an Easter concert...
  14. How to shape an east rope basket for Easter - requires scrap fabric and hot glue, a very easy basket craft for older students...
  15. Make and display a rabbit gate for your doll's house - a very easy craft for a child, adults must help with the hot glue at the end...
  16. Craft a very sweet sticker wreath - This one is light weight, therefore easy to hang in any dollhouse for Easter!
  17. How to make the doll's pussy willow for spring... - hang miniature eggs from this lovely Easter display of doll sized Salix Discolor
  18. Craft a Colorful Carrot Wreath for Your Doll's House - this version for Barbie or American Girl Dollhouse...
  19. How to fold a washcloth bunny for an Easter doll guest... - A washcloth bunny makes a perfect towel size for an 18" doll.
  20. Sew a cute, vintage bunny for a doll... - three pattern sizes, over 100 years old, truely vintage
  21. Make an empty tomb doll cake for Easter! - 3 tiers with an empty tomb on a hill...
  22. How to assemble Easter baskets for your favorite dolls! - These are so small and adorable!
Poetry for Easter:
More Doll Sized Easter & Spring Decorations:
Jelly Beans For Jesus:
More Easter in The Church Media For Kids:
Easter Stories and Letters for Parents and Children:
Easter Themed Writing Assignments:
Easter Puzzles for Kids:
Easter Coloring for Kids:
More Easter/Spring Fashions for Your Dolls:
More Easter Themed Video for Doll Fans at YouTube:
"The Tale of Three Trees" an Easter folktale 
for children narrated by church congregants at 
Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas.

Easter bunny-hop dance.

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