Monday, March 17, 2025

How to assemble Easter baskets for your favorite dolls!

       Each little basket below measures less than three inches tall and two inches wide. Each one is the exact, perfect size for our American Girls, Journey Girls and My Generation Girl dolls. We gifted them to the dolls last Easter. Who knows what the bunny will bring the dolls this year?

A tiny ivy stem basket with nesting grass, a peach silk carnation and artificial plants, both front
and back sides photographed.

This doll-sized Easter basket is made out of silver and stuffed with miniature blue silk flowers
and Easter speckled eggs in: pink, blue and buttercream yellow. A tiny yellow ribbon tied into 
a bow with a mini silver bell is attached to one end.

Here are two baskets including miniature porcelain dolls dressed in their finest Easter dresses and
hats! The painted lavender basket on the left includes a miniature Bible with complete text! The 
gold painted basket on the right includes a variety of Easter eggs alongside the doll dressed in
pinks silks and white lace.

Just left, a basket with a bird's nest, candy eggs and a tiny pastel blue flocked bunny. The basket on
the right, includes a flocked white teddy bear, a nest and speckled bird's eggs.

Finally, the left painted pink Easter basket is filled with a flocked rabbit, multicolored Easter grass
and many decorated eggs. On the right, there is a fully jointed, tiny teddy bear in a silver Easter
basket with painted eggs just the right size for an 18 inch doll to enjoy!

Needlepointers share how to make Easter baskets for 
American Girl dolls using plastic canvas.

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