Monday, September 23, 2019

Valentine's Day Doll Crafts

Far left, felt roses for Valentine bouquets. Center left, doll sized Valentine cupcakes and sheet cakes.
 Center right, Valentine cookies on a tray. Far right, St. Valentines wall decorations.

       Did it ever occur to any of you to wonder who Saint Valentine was, and why we should commemorate his day by sending cards or letters containing all sorts of playfulness, like true-lovers' knots, hearts pierced with arrows, etc.?
       It is easy enough to tell you about the saint, but what he had to do with the popular observances of the day dedicated to him is a matter for conjecture.
       Saint Valentine, they say, was a grave and earnest Christian bishop, who was put to death in Rome on the fourteenth day of February, about the year 270 A.D., for his too zealous efforts in converting the heathen. When he was canonized, the day of the month on which he died was dedicated to him.
       The customs of Saint Valentine's Day are, no doubt, derived from those practiced at some of the Pagan festivals, for they are of very ancient origin. The principal feature of the ceremonies was always the choice of a valentine for the ensuing year. 'The cavalier was expected to wait upon his lady, execute all of her commands, and act as her escort at all social gatherings.
       Of course you have all had some experience in sending and receiving valentines, and perhaps consider that the only way of celebrating the day; but don't you think it would be a good idea to invite some friends and their dolls to your house and have a Valentine-Party?

St. Valentine Parties for Dolls:
Our Valentine Themed Doll Crafts: You can help grow our listing by making requests for particular Valentine crafts in the comment box below:
  1. Craft a Cupcake Stand Using Wooden Spools - a faux food display item made from recycled parts...
  2. Craft Doll Sized Cookie Sheets and Sugar Cookies - This cookie tray is made from kitchen tin foil and the cookies are made from oven bake clay.
  3. DIY Candy Filled Heart Box for 18inch Dolls - very intricately detailed faux chocolates and a lovely paper heart box!
  4. Spruce Up a Heart Shaped Rocker For a Doll! - Transform this resale rocker into something much more attractive.
  5. Decoupage A Frame For Your Doll's Picture (heart theme)  - a frame that any little girl would love to display in her bedroom.
  6. DIY Doll Cupcakes for Valentine's Day - the cutest dolly cupcakes ever!
  7. How to make felt roses for a doll - Felt roses are always appropriate for any or every holiday occasion.
  8. Molding and Painting Doll Sheet Cakes for Valentine's Day - More dolly sheet cakes for our doll bakery of course.
  9. Printable Valentines for Playtime With Dolls - authentic, antique missives for your doll's post office/mail service...
  10. Make a Paper, Heart Shaped Wreath for Your Dolls - This sweetheart wreath is perfect for decorating your doll's home or hanging inside of a doll banquet hall.
  11. Craft a Heavenly, Heart Shaped Bed for a Little Doll - A tufted sweetheart treat of a bed for any mini doll on Valentines Day. 
  12. Fancy Chocolates Clip Art Pages (4) - would be cute for Valentines or Mother's Day cards ect...
  13. The Valentine Board Game - printable, one for big girls and one for dolls.
  14. Make a strawberry heart shaped doll cake... - This one is trimmed with edible lace decorations!
  15. The Annual Valentine Mailbox Competition - Every year participating students at our Dollville school enter a mailbox contest with award ribbons, party games, and Valentines of course!
  16. Old-Fashioned Valentines, cupids with arrows and treat box lids... - printable for doll sized Valentines, candy box lids, child sized Valentines plus cupid cartoons
  17. Tiny Cherubim Printable Papers - for student Valentine crafts
  18. How Flossie and Tom Cat Made Valentines - writing exercise for Valentine's Day Fun
  19. Valentine's Day Clipart for Cards and Letters - from 2025 more for students to use
  20. How to braid a heart shaped rug for valentine decor - This braided rug would look nice at the foot of a bed, in front of a kitchen sing or even in a doll sized bathroom!
  21. Craft a few decorative, heart-shaped pillows for Valentine's Day
  22. Handcraft a sailor's valentine for your dollhouse . . . 
He passed her an old-fashioned love note.
Valentine History and Stories:

Valentine/Love Poetry for Kids:
Valentine Coloring Pages:
Saint Valentine's Day Video from American Girl Doll Fans:
More Doll Valentine Crafts Online:
  1. Toothsome Chocolate Emporium For Dolls...The Candy Floss Machine Craft! - take a look at this wild chocolate emporium, candy floss treats everywhere!
  2. What We Made for the Valentine's Day Party - from AGDollPlay - pretend candy, Valentine mail box, cake and place settings, candy boxes, and a Valentine dress review
  3. Valentine's Day Bitsy Baby Doll  - knitting pattern by Claire Fairall, soo cute!
  4. Hearts Galore Doll Scarf - Crochet Pattern For American Girl Dolls
  5. Valentines for Classmates - make wooden fairy dolls for all your besties!
  6. Matchbox Valentines from TheRoomMom - sweet treat boxes made easy
  7. Sweet Hearts for Sweethearts! DIY Valentine's Candy Jar and 3 Easy Steps to Make DIY Pom Pom Teddy Bears
Young Children's Valentine Specials: Your dolls and teddy bears may enjoy these...
Sample Valentines in our family collection for doll lovers.

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