Thursday, February 13, 2025

How to braid a heart-shaped rug for valentine decor . . .

A finished heart shaped rug.
       You will need only a few supplies to make this lovely heart shaped rug: a small scrap of felt for the backing of finished rug, yarn in your favorite colors, at least three colors are best. In addition to these supplies you will also need a needle and thread, one skein of embroidery floss and scissors, of course.
       This rug may become as large as you wish or be made as tiny as is needed for a dollhouse. I made my version to lay in front of the sink in our large 18 inch dollhouse, so it measures five inches across.
       To make a "heart" shaped rug you will first need to braid many strands of yarn together and sew or knot them end to end. This will take as much length of braid as you need to sew any size of rug from side to side with a whip stitch this is called "lacing" by rug makers. The thickness of the yarn used greatly determines just how much braid you will need. If you sew it together and it seems too small, simply lace in more rows to increase the size.
       The difference between the crafting of an oval or circle shaped rug compared to a heart is dependent upon the shape you start with. 
       For a traditional looking rag/yarn rug you simply stitch together the sides of the braid as you roll it into a flat circle or oval shape. For a heart rug you begin by sewing the sides of the braid into a boomerang shape or a slightly bent right angle. Then you sew the braid around and around this shape until you have made it into a heart.

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